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Official Identification & Door Access

Occasionally, a member of the TMU Security might ask that you provide a valid form of identification (such as your OneCard) where such information is relevant to the legitimate pursuit of their duties. Additional representatives of the university, including exam invigilators, may also ask for your OneCard. 

Door access

Your OneCard is your access card required for entering university buildings and spaces.

  1. Hold your physical or Digital OneCard up against an access reader to grant yourself access to a building or authorized area. Doors will unlock once the reader flashes twice.
    1. Be sure to hold your card or mobile device against the reader long enough for the locks to disengage.
  2. If the reader beeps but the door does not unlock, you don’t have access to that space. If you require door access to a building or space, please contact your department for authorization.

If you hold your physical OneCard against a reader and the reader does not beep, it means the card is defective and needs to be replaced. This can be done free of charge by visiting the OneCard Office.

Student tapping their OneCard for door access