Measures budgets against expenditures and encumbrances to determine funds availability.  The report displays detailed as well as summary level information.


As detailed in the submitting RU Rev/Exp 3 Selections Report training session the following required paramerters are selected to run this report:


- 1st Segmnet Selection: The critera you want the report organized by.

- Budget: The fiscal year or project budget

- Period Name: The period you want to analyze data for or up to.

- Report Type:To indicate how you want the funds avaiable to be calculated and displayed:

                              YTDE – Year To Date Extended – Provides financial information from May 1 of the selected Fiscal Year

                               to the account period selected in Period Name. 

                               PTD – Period To Date – Provides financial information for the month based on the Account Period 

                               selected in the Period Name parameter.

                               QTDE – Quarter to Date Extended - Provides financial information for the quarter based on the

                               Account period selected in Period Name parameter.

- Encumbrance Type: Select the type of encumbrances (Eg. Salaries, Commitments, or Obligations)

- Print Account Detial: If you want to print account detail along with the summary info.