RU Revenue/Expense - 3 Selection Report







Report Header:

Indicates the Name of the report, the date you ran the report, and how many pages. It also displays the key parameters that were

selected to run this report.


In this example the folowing parameters were selected:


- 1st Segmnet Selection: The critera you want the report organized by. COST CENTER from XXXXX to XXXXX


- Budget: The fiscal year or project budget. Budget Name = FY 090 BUDGET


- Period Name: The period you want to analyze data for or up to. Account Period = FEB-10


- Report Type:To indicate wheather you are dealing with Year to date, Period to date,

                      Project or Quarter to date. Interval = Year-to-Date Extended (Indicating

                      that you want to view data from the begining of the Fiscal Year to the

                      period listed in Period Name.


- Encumbrance Type: Select the type of encumbrances (Eg. Salaries, Commitments, or Obligations). ALL



Original Budget Column:


For the operating fund, this displays the original budget as approved by the Board for a particular account or summary code.



Revised Budget:


The Revised Budget = The Original Budget + /- Base Budget Adjustment +/- Temporary Budget Adjustments (OTO)


Base Budget Adjustments are permininent adjustments to the budget.  Eg. Choosing not to rehire and closing a position within the department.


Temporary Budgets Adjustments are one time adjustments for specific reasons such as extra mony granted for renovations this Fiscal Year.



Encumbrance: Commitment of Expenses. Monies which have been committed for a particular expenditure.


E.G.: A new computer has been ordered but not yet received.


The different types of encumbrances include:

Obligations (Purchase Orders) - Goods ordered from suppliers but not yet received.

Commitments (Requisitions) - Requests by departments for goods or services not yet ordered form supplier.

Salary - Funds to be paid to employees for the remainder of the Fiscal Year

Invoice - Encumbrance when an invoice has been entered into oracle but not yet transfered to the General Ledger.

Manual - Funds manually sed assid by the department fo a specific use.





Represents revenue received and expenditures incurred to date.



Funds Available:


Funds Available = Original Budget + Revised Budget - Encumbrances - Net expenses




Account Codes:


Various revenue, and expense codes.  E.g. Office Supplies, Travel Expenses, Lab Fees, etc.



Cost centre summary:


Total Revenue - Summary of account codes in the 5000 – 5999 range

Total Salaries - Summary of account codes in the 6000 – 6899 range

Total Benefits - Summary of account codes in the 6900 – 6999 range

Total Non Salary - Summary of account codes in the 7000 – 8999 range

Total Cost Centre - The total net revenue/expense per column


The Funds Available column for the Total Cost Center summary line is where you find the bottom line total for the cost center.


This number determines if you are in a postive or negative state.


In this example you can see the department is in the negative $6,448.89


(1) Account Period: Represents the period selected.  E.g: Feb-10

(2) Cost Centre Range: Represents the cost centre selected and/or or a range of cost centres.

(3) Report Date: The date that the report is run.

(4) Encumbrance Type: When you select “ALL” for encumbrance type the report will include all encumbrances. You can also select specific encumbrances.  E.g. P.O encumbrance, etc.

(5) Budget Name: For Fiscal Year funds the budget name will be the fiscal year you select.  E.g. For Fiscal 09-10 you will select “FY 090 Budget

(6) Interval: Represent the report period. For the Fiscal Year funds select:


           YTDE – Year To Date Extended – Provides financial information from May 1 to the account period selected in #1 above.

             PTD Period To Date – Provides financial information for the month based on the period date selected in #1 above.

           QTDE – Quarter to Date Extended - Provides financial information for the quarter based on the period date selected in #1above.


(7) Origianl Budget: For the operating fund, this is the original budget as approved by the Board.

(8) Revised Budget: The Revised Budget = The Original Budget + /- Base Budget Adjustment +/- Temporary Budget Adjustments (OTO).

(9) Encumbrance: Obligations for goods or services ordered but not yet received and not yet paid for. E.g. Salary, PO, etc

(10) Actual: Represents revenue received and expenditures incurred to date.

(11) Funds Available: Original Budget + Revised Budget - Encumbrances - Net Expenses

(12) Account Codes: Various revenue, and expense codes.  E.g. Office Supplies, Travel Expenses, Lab Fees.

(13) Cost Centre Summary:


           Total Revenue – Summary of account codes in the 5000 – 5999 range

           Total Salaries - Summary of account codes in the 6000 – 6899 range

           Total Benefits - Summary of account codes in the 6900 – 6999 range

           Total Non Salary - Summary of account codes in the 7000 – 8999 range

           Total Cost Centre - The net revenue/expense per column and gives you the bottom line total for the cost centre.




End of Procedure.