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Ciro Bustillo LeCompte

Ciro Bustillo LeCompte

Adjunct Professor
EducationBEng, MASc, PhD, PEng, EP
OfficePOD (Podium), 70-B
Phone416-979-5000, ext. 554803
Areas of ExpertiseWater and wastewater treatment technologies; Water, soil and air quality; Environmental health and safety; Environmental management and risk assessment; Energy and resource recovery.

Dr. LeCompte is available to supervise Occupational and Public Health (MSc) students in 2024-2025.

I am a Lecturer in the School of Occupational and Public Health, an Associate Member in the Yeates School Graduate Studies at Toronto Metropolitan University. I am also an adjunct professor at the University of Cartagena, Colombia for the summer courses of Pollution Prevention and Control and Unit Operations and Processes in the Environmental Engineering Master’s Program. I have a multidisciplinary background in the areas of civil, environmental, and chemical engineering.

I completed my BEng at the University of Cartagena, Colombia (2008), and obtained my MASc (2012) and PhD (2016) at Toronto Metropolitan University. I am a certified Professional Engineer (PEng); Environmental Professional (EP) in the areas of Water Quality, Waste Management, Health and Safety, Education and Training, and Research and Development; and a Fraternal Member of the Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors (CIPHI).

My Postdoctoral Fellowship was in Chemical and Environmental Engineering as part of the prestigious Queen Elizabeth Scholars (QES) – Advanced Scholars Program in a team of two Canadian universities (Toronto Metropolitan University and Western University) and two Colombian universities (University of Cartagena and National University of Colombia). The project focused on climate change effects on water quality of groundwater and drinking water in Low and Middle-Income Countries and valued at $500,000.

My main research interests include water and wastewater treatment; water, soil and air quality; environmental toxicology; waste minimization; environmental management and risk assessment.



Research interests:

  • Water and Wastewater Treatment Technologies
  • Industrial Wastewater Treatment
  • Energy and Resource Recovery
  • Advanced Oxidation Processes
  • Heterogeneous Catalysis
  • Waste Minimization
  • Water Reuse

Research projects:

  • Advanced Oxidation Processes: Applications, Advances, Future Trends and Prospects
  • Environmental Toxicology and Waste Minimization in the Colombian Caribbean
  • The Built Environment and Climate Change in the Colombian Caribbean
  • Environmental Management in Cartagena, Colombia
  • Advanced Treatment of Slaughterhouse Wastewater
  • Treatment of Refinery Wastewater
  • Dean’s Teaching Award (CUPE 1). Faculty of Community Services, Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada, 2021.
  • Canadian Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Scholarships (QES): Advanced-Scholars, Canada, 2016-2017.
  • Dennis Mock Student Leadership Award, Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada, 2016.
  • On-Campus Student Leader Award, Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada, 2016.
  • Ontario Trillium Scholarship (OTS), Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada, 2012-2016.
  • Colombian Research Grant for Young Professionals, COLCIENCIAS, Cartagena, Colombia, 2014-2016.