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School location
Daphne Cockwell Health Sciences Complex, Room DCC-601
288 Church St.
Toronto, Ontario

Mailing address
School of Nutrition
Toronto Metropolitan University
350 Victoria St.
Toronto, Ontario
M5B 2K3

Contact information

In the present pandemic situation, the university offers directives that advise us to hold virtual meetings by appointment. Please see the latest COVID-19 updates.

What do you need help with?


Melissa Reid

Senior Admissions Officer/Office of Undergraduate Admissions and Recruitment

Areas Of Expertise: 

Undergraduate admissions.


  • Amber Rebello
    Graduate Program Administrator
    Phone416-979-5000, ext. 552288
    Areas Of ExpertiseProvides information to prospective and current students; Liaises on behalf of students with various administrative departments; Negotiates the signing of agreements with external placement partners; Coordinates program-related events and processes.

Scholarships and Awards
Undergraduate, Graduate and Continuing Education Students

  • Zena Alrawdah
    Academic Success and Promotions Coordinator
    Phone416-979-5000, ext. 555085
    Areas Of ExpertiseTransition to university, liaison to university-wide resources; Academic planning and transfer credit support; Academic standing (at-risk, academic probation, required to withdraw, permanent and short term withdrawal, Fresh Start and grade/standing appeals); International and experiential opportunities.
  • Amber Rebello
    Graduate Program Administrator
    Phone416-979-5000, ext. 552288
    Areas Of ExpertiseProvides information to prospective and current students; Liaises on behalf of students with various administrative departments; Negotiates the signing of agreements with external placement partners; Coordinates program-related events and processes.

Program Coordinator, Internationally Educated Professionals in Nutrition