COVID-19 FAQ for Nursing Placements

Yes, nursing practice placements are taking place during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Central Placement Office is working to secure practice placements for students.
Yes. As per placement partner policies all students completing a nursing practice course in a healthcare setting (this includes- hospital, long-term care, school and/or community agency) must receive full COVID-19 vaccination prior to starting placement.
Students will be expected to submit proof of vaccination with their Practice Requirement Record (PRR) documents.
As per the province of Ontario Ministry of Health definition,
You are considered fully vaccinated in Ontario if you have received:
- the full primary series of a COVID-19 vaccine authorized by Health Canada, or any combination of such vaccines (two doses of Moderna, Pfizer-BioNTech, Novavax, Medicago, AstraZeneca, including COVISHIELD) in any combination or one dose of Janssen (Johnson & Johnson); or
- a full or partial primary series of a non-Health Canada authorized vaccine plus any additional recommended doses of a Health Canada authorized COVID-19 vaccine to complete the primary series; and
- your final dose of the COVID-19 vaccine at least 14 days before providing the proof of being fully vaccinated
Individuals should receive all recommended doses (including booster doses) to stay up to date with their COVID-19 vaccines. Visit the Recommended Doses guidance (external link, opens in new window) to see if you are up to date.
Students requiring to be vaccinated can schedule appointments through the Ontario Ministry of Health website (external link, opens in new window) and/or contact your Primary Healthcare Provider.
Upload the vaccine receipt on your Verified (external link, opens in new window) account.
Some placements may request that you self-isolate prior to starting your nursing placement for the following reasons:
- Recently travelled outside of Canada
- Have COVID-19 symptoms
- Have been exposed to COVID-19
- Have tested positive for COVID-19
- Have been working/volunteering in an outbreak or COVID-19 clinical setting
The CPO will provide you with specific agency requirements prior to the start of your placement. You should also adhere to any requirements specific to self-isolation while completing your placement.
Please review the (PDF file) Ontario Public Health COVID-19 Factsheet - How to Self-Isolate (external link, opens in new window)
As the pandemic evolves, COVID-19 positive patients are being admitted to hospitals in almost all clinical areas across hospitals and long-term care homes. As a result, all students will be expected to provide care to patients either under investigation and/or COVID positive.
This decision has been made based on the evolving knowledge of COVID-19 transmission, assessment, and treatment that has developed over the last several months. In addition, partner agencies have an adequate supply of PPE for student use along with a robust orientation program to ensure student safety.
You are encouraged to discuss any concerns or strategies with your clinical instructor or faculty advisor to ensure you are able to receive a nursing placement experience that will allow you to meet course outcomes.
This is a term used in hospitals to identify patients that are at risk for COVID-19. The prevalence of community spread of COVID-19 means that many patients in the placement setting will be termed as a patient/person under investigation, including those awaiting lab results.
This status refers to patients who have recovered from COVID-19, are no longer infectious and precautions have been discontinued by the Infection Prevention and Control team.
Should an outbreak occur while you are in placement, the placement agency and/or occupational health department will inform you of their policies and next steps. This may include testing for COVID-19 and/or temporarily pausing your placement for a period of time. If you are in a preceptored placement, please ensure that you notify your faculty advisor.
Please review the Public Health Ontario ‘About Coronavirus (COVID-19) (external link, opens in new window) ’ webpage for more information on COVID-19 symptoms.
If you develop any COVID-19 symptoms, DO NOT attend placement. Please complete the COVID-19 Self-Assessment Tool (external link, opens in new window) and follow the instructions. Should you need to be tested, please go to your nearest COVID-19 assessment centre (external link, opens in new window) . You should not attend placement while symptomatic.
Please ensure you inform your clinical instructor or faculty advisor and preceptor of any absences.
If you live with someone who is symptomatic and/or has tested positive for COVID-19, you are considered to be a close contact. Please ensure you follow public health instructions. Please review the (PDF file) Self-Isolation Guide for caregivers, household members and close contacts (external link, opens in new window) .
We understand that this may cause concern, therefore it is important that everyone complies with public health guidelines. Please review Public Health Ontario: Reduce Your Risk from COVID-19 guide (external link, opens in new window) .
Living with a vulnerable senior or immunocompromised family member does not prevent you from attending a nursing placement. Complying with public health guidelines is important to protect you and others. Please review Public Health Ontario: Reduce Your Risk from COVID-19 guide (external link, opens in new window) .
There are no restrictions to using public transit to get to your nursing placement. It is important to adhere to the transit system’s safety measures to minimize risk. Please visit the TTC COVID-19: Staying Safe on Public Transit and/or the GO COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Safety (external link, opens in new window) websites for details.
Yes. We are experiencing a global health event and during this time, it is not uncommon for people to experience: anxiety, worry, fear and sadness; tearfulness and/or loss of interest in enjoyable activities; hopelessness, stress, or overwhelm; and difficulty concentrating and/or sleeping. These are challenging times but there are healthy ways to cope and manage our wellbeing. Please visit Toronto Metropolitan University’s Student Wellbeing Services for a variety of support services available to students.