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HSPNet, also known as the Health Sciences Placement Network, is a program used by the CPO to coordinate student placements, manage placement requests and share important placement information with students, faculty and instructors.

You will be provided detailed instructions on how to access HSPNet via your Toronto Metropolitan University email. You must always use your Toronto Metropolitan University email when accessing HSPNet.

Make sure to check HSPNet frequently throughout the program for placement updates.

No, HSPNet (external link, opens in new window)  is not mobile-friendly. For the best user experience, make sure to access HSPNet through your computer.

If you forget your HSPNet (opens in new window)  login, please email the CPO from your TMU email address. Make sure to include your program name and student number in your email.

No. Your HSPNet (opens in new window)  account will be disabled upon graduation. Before you graduate, make sure to save and print local copies of the information required for your resume, including your list of placements and hours completed. You can find a record of your placement practice under the ‘Placement History’ tab.