Central Placement Office Team
Attention Students: TMU requires that any electronic communications from students be sent from their official TMU email account. We will not respond to student inquiries from any other email address. See Policy #157: Toronto Metropolitan University Email Accounts (opens in new window) for more detail.
Rozyl Gatchalon
Phone: 419 979 5000 ext. 554545
Dionne Grant
Placement Coordinator - Post-Diploma Degree Completion Program
Phone: 416-979-5000 ext. 552769
Nora Jantschukeite
Placement Coordinator - Year 3, Collaborative Nursing Degree Program
Phone: 416-979-5000 ext. 557990
Marita John
Placement Coordinator - Year 1, Collaborative Nursing Degree Program
Phone: 416-979-5000 ext. 556573
Stacey Maximo
Placement Coordinator - Year 4, Collaborative Nursing Degree Program
Phone: 416 979 5000 ext. 554252
smaximo@torontomu.ca (opens in new window) (opens in new window)
Makiesha Thomas
Placement Coordinator - Master of Nursing Program and Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioner Program
Phone: 416 979 5000 ext. 545056
Placement Coordinator - Year 2, Collaborative Nursing Degree Program
Phone: 416 979 5000 ext. TBA
Email: TBA