Franklin F. Gorospe IV
Dr. Franklin F. Gorospe IV completed his PhD at the University of Toronto’s Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing in 2024 with a research focus on the multidimensional experience of pain in adults with advanced liver disease, investigating the physical, psychological, and sociocultural domains of the person. His current program of research centers on the concept of multidimensionality, investigating the patient’s needs, exploring the care implications for clinicians, and studying innovative approaches to help clinicians meet the needs of the patients. He is interested in the application of mixed methods and multi-method designs to help understand phenomena.
Dr. Gorospe’s journey as a clinician, educator, and leader is driven by a profound commitment to enhancing the multidimensional experience of patients with advanced liver disease. He is motivated by the need to amplify the patient’s voice, support the development of clinicians, and shape broader healthcare policies. This passion guides his research, which focuses on understanding and improving pain within this diverse patient population, ensuring that their experiences inform better clinical practices and health outcomes in an evolving healthcare landscape. His competencies in clinical, education, and leadership facilitates active partnerships with teaching hospitals, academic institutions, and government agencies across the country.
● Pain appraisal and management
● Multidimensionality in healthcare
● Mixed methods research
● Artificial intelligence and innovative tools to facilitate multidimensional learning
- Dale, C.M., Cioffi, I., Novak, C.B., Gorospe, F., Murphy, L., Chugh, D., Watt-Watson, J., Stevens, B. Continuing professional development needs in pain management for Canadian health care professionals: A cross sectional survey (external link) . Canadian Journal of Pain. 2023: 7(1); 2150156.
- Gorospe, F., Istanboulian, L., Puts, M., Wong, D., Lee, E., & Dale, C. (2020). A scoping review to identify and map the multidimensional domains of pain in adults with advanced liver disease (external link) . Canadian Journal of Pain, 4(1), 210-224.
- Istanboulian, L., Rose, L., Gorospe, F., Yunusova, Y., & Dale, C. (2020). Barriers to and facilitators for the use of augmentative and alternative communication and voice restorative strategies for adults with an advanced airway in the intensive care unit: A scoping review (external link) . Journal of Critical Care, 24(57), 168-176.
- Gorospe, F., Istanboulian, L., Puts, M., Wong, D., Lee, E., & Dale, C. (2019). Identifying and mapping biopsychosocial factors associated with pain adults with advanced liver disease: protocol for a scoping review (external link) . BMJ Open, 9(11), epub.
- Istanboulian, L., Rose, L., Yunusova, Y., Gorospe, F., & Dale, C. (2019). Barriers to and facilitators for use of augmentative and alternative communication and voice restorative devices in the adult intensive care unit: a scoping review protocol (external link) . Systematic Reviews, 8(1), epub.
- Gorospe, F., Dale, C., Puts, M., Wong, D., Lee, E., & Istanboulian, L. (2019). A systematic review of biopsychosocial factors associated with pain outcomes in adults with liver disease (external link) . PROSPERO, CRD42019135677
- Istanboulian, L., Rose, L., Gorospe, F., Yunusova, Y., & Dale, C. (2019). Barriers to and facilitators for augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) use for adults with an advanced airway in the Intensive Care Unit: A systematic review (external link) . PROSPERO, CRD42019132099
- Fredericks, S., Lapum, J., & Gorospe, F. (2018). Examining the characteristics of health-related gaming interventions among congenital heart disease patients: A scoping review (external link) . Online Journal of Nursing Informatics, 22(1).
- Schwind, J., Zanchetta, M., Aksenchuk, K., & Gorospe, F. (2013). Nursing students’ international placement experience: an arts-informed Narrative Inquiry (external link) . Reflective Practice, 14(6), 705-716.
- Zanchetta, M., Schwind, J.K., Aksenchuck, K., Gorospe, F., & Santiago, L. (2013). An international internship on social development led by Canadian nursing students: Empowering learning (external link) . Nurse Education Today, 33(7), 757-764.
- Zanchetta, M. S, Monteiro, M. S., Gorospe, F. F., Pilon, R. S. & Peña, A. (2010). Ideas of masculinities in Latin America and their influences on immigrant men’s attitudes toward health: prostate cancer prevention, an analysis of the literature (external link) . International Men’s Health and People, 7(3), 259-269.
- Zanchetta, M. S., Kaszap, M., Monteiro, M., Gorospe, F. F., & Pilon, R. (2011). Chapter 3: Renewing Perspectives on Men’s Prostate In tech chapter publication (external link) . In Spiess, P. E. Prostate Cancer: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Advances (pp. 37-80). Croatia: InTech Open Access Publisher.