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A community of care and support in challenging times

Holiday message from President Mohamed Lachemi
Category:From the President
December 13, 2024
Two people walk past Balzac’s Coffee shop on campus on a snowy day.

As 2024 comes to a close, President Mohamed Lachemi reflects on the challenges of the year and how we as a community might support one another.

It is hard to believe that the close of another year is now upon us. As we finish exams and prepare for the winter break, it offers us an opportunity to reflect.

This has been a difficult year for many of us, crises and conflicts around the world have had very personal and very real impacts on many of our community members and their families, friends, and loved ones. While we are physically removed from these complex geo-political challenges, we can and should continue to do our best to support each other, be it through showing care and compassion for one another or by reminding our fellow community members of the supports that are available to them.

As a university community, we must create a safe and supportive space for one another to explore and exchange new ideas, and evaluate and challenge norms and preconceptions - supporting one another in the search for knowledge through learning and teaching as well as through our scholarly, research and creative activities. Seeking and providing support for one another in challenging times is one way we can live out that commitment.

The university offers a wide range of supports for those who may be struggling with managing their well-being, and as always, I encourage our community members to access the support they may need:

As always, TMU will close for the mid-year break from Monday, Dec. 23, 2024 to Friday, Jan. 3, 2025. I hope this holiday season we can each find the space and time to reflect on our success from the fall semester, what we hope to achieve next term, and how we can contribute to an accepting and supportive university community. I hope you will also take time to rest and recharge; we can all use some time to pause after what I am sure has been a busy and productive fall semester.

All my very best to each of you and your loved ones this holiday season.

Mohamed Lachemi,
President & Vice-Chancellor