Share your feedback on the draft 2025–2030 Strategic Research Plan
Share your comments and help shape TMU’s vision for strategic research planning over the next five years. We invite the TMU community to review and provide feedback on the draft (PDF file) 2025–2030 Strategic Research Plan (opens in new window) (SRP).
The Strategic Research Plan serves as a foundational document for TMU’s robust multi-year planning framework to support our SRC vision, objectives, goals, and ambitions, facilitating our ability to scale and accelerate our partnerships and collaborations in key areas of strength. The SRP is also an important and required document for the Canada Research Chairs program and other Federal institutional programs.
There are multiple ways to provide feedback, making it easy for members of the SRC community to contribute to the refinement of the draft (PDF file) 2025–2030 Strategic Research Plan. (google form) Engagement sessions (external link, opens in new window) are scheduled on different days and times, beginning May 22 and running until June 14. Members of TMU’s community are welcome to register for any session they wish to attend. There is also an (google form) online feedback form (external link, opens in new window) .
“I am delighted to share the draft 2025–2030 Strategic Research Plan with TMU’s SRC community for review and feedback. It is important that our community has the opportunity to shape how we highlight our institutional strengths and showcase the excellence of our SRC activities. The 2025–2030 Strategic Research Plan provides the foundation for our focus and strategy for our institutional SRC priorities over the next five years, and it is essential that it aligns with our SRC community aspirations,” said Steven N. Liss, TMU’s vice-president, research and innovation.
“We encourage the TMU SRC community to offer their input through the town halls, focus groups or online feedback form,” said Naomi Adelson, chair of the steering committee and associate vice-president, research and innovation. “Feedback is essential to creating a Strategic Research Plan that is reflective of TMU’s SRC strengths.”
View the consultation questions, event schedule and register by visiting the OVPRI Strategic (opens in new window) Research Plan Development web page (opens in new window) .