All in the family: Close relatives excel in careers and academics at TMU

TMU employees and their family members did a photoshoot for the Campus Store’s Parent clothing line.
At TMU, family bonds have proven to be exceptionally helpful for students who enjoy the support of their relatives who work here.
We caught up with four employees who told us how much they value having their family members attend the school and what it means for them to be pursuing their educational journey together.

When Tanya Vlaskalin brought her daughter Sanja to work before the pandemic during TMU’s “Take Your Kid to Work Day,” she fell in love with the campus. Sanja Neretljak is now in her third year of the nursing program, while her sister Mila just started the psychology program. Tanya, a manager in the Environmental Health and Safety department, is happy to have both of her daughters on campus and is proud she can offer them the opportunity to be debt-free post-graduation because they were able to take advantage of TMU’s tuition waiver for eligible employees and their dependents.

Sricamalan Pathmanathan’s son Ajeyram has spent a lot of his life at TMU – as a baby at the TMU daycare program, as a child at the TMU summer camps and now in his final year in the Occupational and Public Health program.

“I started bringing my oldest son to TMU when he was just 11 months old – we used to live around Dundas and Broadview and we would take the streetcar to campus,” said Sricamalan. He works as an HR and employment equity coordinator and has spent 26 years at the university witnessing many changes such as new services, departments, buildings and faculties.

At a Campus Store photoshoot, Rahel Appiagyei-David had a blast with her younger sister Priscilla and the two were laughing up a storm. Rahel is a leadership development facilitator for the think tank the Dais, while Priscilla Appiagyei-David is a TMU student. The two took advantage of the photo shoot to bond with each other and connect with other TMU students and staff.

Aidan Rebello says the best part about his mom Amber Rebello working at the university as he pursues his degree in occupational health and safety is her help in navigating the campus experience. Amber has loved the hustle and bustle of the campus from the day she first interviewed for a TMU job 20 years ago; Aidan is also a fan of the endless opportunities to make connections in his burgeoning professional network.