Living the metropolitan life at TMU

Jasmann Singh Narang is not only excited to study at TMU but also to explore everything Toronto has to offer – from boxing to slam poetry. Photo credit: Jaye Huynh
April 26 marks the one-year anniversary of Ryerson University changing its name to Toronto Metropolitan University. Last year, we marked a new chapter in our university’s history by embracing a new name that aligns with our values and aspirations.
The university’s renaming was in response to one of the recommendations put forward by the Standing Strong Task Force in their report, released in August 2021, on how the university should address the legacy of Egerton Ryerson and the role of commemoration in our community.
Located in the heart of Canada’s biggest and most diverse city - TMU represents all that it is to be metropolitan. The university is a gathering place for people from all over the world, from all walks of life, with broad and diverse perspectives, lived experiences and aspirations.
TorontoMet Today caught up with five international students to learn what living in a metropolitan city means to them and how they feel about the new name.

When Rebeka Salazar visited Toronto on family vacations, she noticed the SLC and thought it was a unique and captivating building. Photo credit: Jaye Huynh
Name: Rebeka Salazar, business technology management ’26
From: Mexico City, Mexico
Why TMU?
My first choice was Toronto not only because my brother was already studying here but also because the university offers educational opportunities for students from a wide range of backgrounds. I was drawn to the business technology program because I didn’t see other universities offering the same blend of computer science and business management.
How do you feel about the new name?
I first heard about the name change in Mexico while I was applying for the program and I was thrilled that it was changing as part of a bold initiative to be more inclusive towards Indigenous communities in Canada.

Now that Jennifer Nguyen has been living in Toronto for four years, she sees why we are called a global city. Photo credit: Jaye Huynh
Name: Jennifer Nguyen, journalism ’23
From: Hanoi, Vietnam
Why TMU?
I knew I wanted to work in Toronto’s media industry after graduation and TMU is central, urban and boasts strong industry connections. Most importantly, I liked that it’s young, trendy and down-to-earth compared to other post-secondary institutions. As I prepare to graduate this spring, I truly feel like my 18-year-old self made the best decision possible for her.
What does metropolitan mean to you?
Metropolitan encapsulates the essence of a big city, by both population and its connectivity to various services. It’s a fitting word to describe Toronto and I think it works really well for our university and downtown campus.

Somin Park grew up in the busy streets of Seoul and she found a similar environment in Toronto. Photo credit: Jaye Huynh
Name: Somin Park, hospitality and tourism management ’23
From: Seoul, South Korea
What does metropolitan mean to you?
Toronto is a metropolitan city because of the diversity of people clustered together in the busy downtown core, with many surrounding unique clusters. Living downtown is so convenient and I’m able to walk to my favourite restaurants or meet up with friends. I’ve been so much more adventurous here and have tried cuisines that I never had before in Korea.
How do you feel about the new name?
At first I thought it was too long – what a mouthful! – but then I got used to it and I love the word metropolitan in the name because it reflects the core identity of the university.
Name: Reanne Kurien, psychology ’26
From: Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Why TMU?
Growing up in an urban city like Dubai, I always wanted to study in a big city that provided me with opportunities to network, socialize and try new things. What drew me to TMU was the excellent location and the incredible psychology program.
What does metropolitan mean to you?
The new name and the university’s core values align with my own because I thrive in a city like Toronto. Whenever I’m feeling homesick, I cook food that reminds me of home and easily find the ingredients that I need.
How do you feel about the new name?
I think it’s a fitting name that perfectly encapsulates the university. The name is centred around the idea that students are living a metropolitan life, which makes sense for this downtown campus.

Jasmann Singh Narang says he has friends at other universities in Canada that don’t offer the same opportunities as TMU. Photo credit: Jaye Huynh
Name: Jasmann Singh Narang, business management ’26
From: New Delhi, India
Why TMU?
I was drawn to the business management program because of the experiential learning opportunities and access to specialized advisors who advise on how the marketing world will look in the future, the advantages of pursuing an MBA and the structures of specific financial companies.
Also, I chose to study business management in Toronto because of the many career opportunities at my fingertips – we are a short walk from most of the major financial institutions in the country so I’m able to grab a coffee with anyone in the field willing to tell me more about their career.
What does metropolitan mean to you?
A university like TMU is metropolitan because it offers a level of diversity that is unparalleled in other parts of the country. Close to campus there is a Chinatown where I’ve been exploring some tasty new cuisine and also Little India in the east end for when I’m feeling homesick.
Are you an international student looking to come to TMU? Learn more about the university.
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