Search committee established for dean, School of Medicine

The new dual role will report to the provost, in the capacity of dean, and to the president, as vice-president, medical affairs.
I am pleased to announce that elections and appointments have been finalized for the search committee for the dual role of dean, School of Medicine and vice-president, medical affairs. I would like to thank all committee members for their willingness to serve, as well as all nominees for participating in this important process.
Roberta Iannacito-Provenzano
Interim Provost and Vice-President, Academic
The committee composition is as follows:
Committee chair:
Roberta Iannacito-Provenzano
Interim Provost and Vice-President, Academic
The elected tenured faculty members are:
Lisa Barnoff
Associate Professor, School of Social Work
Interim Lead, Social Accountability, School of Medicine
Cecile Farnum
Scott Tsai
Professor, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Kathryn Underwood
Professor, School of Early Childhood Studies
The elected chair/director in the faculty is:
Hekmat Alighanbari
Chair, Department of Aerospace Engineering
The selected dean or vice-provost representative is:
David Cramb
Dean, Faculty of Science
The elected career staff member is:
Spiros Vavougios
Legal Counsel, Office of the General Counsel and Board Secretariat
The provost appointees are:
Annette Bailey
Associate Professor, Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing
Jodi Westcarr
Master of Health Administration (Community Care) Candidate