What you need to know now that the university has a new name

Many resources are available to students, faculty and staff to start using the new name of the university. Photo by Alyssa K. Faoro
Now that the university is known as Toronto Metropolitan University, here are some answers to practical questions you may have about how we’ll adopt the new name and what you can do.
What happens now that the new name is announced?
The transition to the new name will happen in phases. Some university materials will change immediately, while other initiatives will take more time. For example, changes to web pages and social media handles can happen relatively quickly, while other changes, such as external signage on campus buildings and amendments to legal documents, including degrees, will take longer.
While the university has registered the new name, allowing us to operate under it, the Ryerson University Act will need to be amended by the Government of Ontario (a timeline that is out of the university’s control) before the new name can be reflected on legal documents issued by the university, including degrees.
How can the university community support the announcement of the new name?
Depending on your position at the university, the ways in which you support this announcement and changes across campus will vary. Many project plans are in place to start making changes across the university’s departments. Through a phased rollout, we will update our name and logo across the university. Resources about how and where to use the new name have been added to the Next Chapter website to support you.
How should people reference the name change?
It will take time for the broader community to become familiar with our new name. If you would like to reference the renaming, please use this format: Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University) OR (recently renamed). For more information about the new logo, social media handles, and more, please review these resources.
Is the university rebranding?
The university is not rebranding; only the name has changed. The university's values, mission and purpose are not changing. By retaining our logo, colour palette, fonts, and graphic devices, we will maintain continuity and recognizability, which will ease the transition to our new name.
What should my email signature say?
Use the name, Toronto Metropolitan University, in the title/credentials section of your signature with one of two options in parenthesis: (Formerly Ryerson University) or (Recently renamed). A note can be added below the contact information that provides context and links to the Next Chapter website. Find out more on the Next Chapter website.
How should I refer to my education on LinkedIn?
The university has collaborated with LinkedIn to offer those who graduated prior to the renaming with the option to use either Toronto Metropolitan University or the previous name when listing their education. For current alumni, Ryerson will be the default under their school information, but LinkedIn members will be able to switch manually to the new name a few days following the announcement. Further instructions will follow on the steps required to make this manual update.
Other questions?
Visit the FAQ section on the Next Chapter website.