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Ryerson announces leadership roles for establishing School of Medicine

Andrew Padmos and Marcia Moshé to help shape future of health care by addressing diverse needs of Brampton, Peel Region and Ontario
Category:From the President, and the Provost and Vice-President, Academic
April 24, 2022
Marcia Moshé and  Andrew Padmos.

Marcia Moshé has been appointed senior advisor to the provost and vice-president, academic, MD Program Proposal Development of Ryerson University's school of medicine, and Andrew Padmos as head, Establishment of Medical School.

We are pleased to announce the appointments of Andrew Padmos as head, Establishment of Medical School, and Marcia Moshé as senior advisor to the provost and vice-president, academic, MD Program Proposal Development of Ryerson University's school of medicine, effective April 1, 2022. Both Andrew and Marcia have demonstrated incredible commitment to creating an innovative school that reflects the fast-growing region of Brampton. We look forward to their continued leadership as work proceeds on plans for Ontario’s first new medical school in 20 years.

Last month the province confirmed its support for the proposed school, announcing that it will invest in 80 seats for undergraduate students and 95 seats for postgraduates. The school of medicine will build on a solid foundation of health-care expertise in Brampton, and will secure talent from diverse backgrounds while focusing on culturally respectful approaches to healthcare.

Andrew Padmos, driver of growth, change and development

Throughout his career, Andrew has been a leader, innovator and manager of people, programs and projects. In his role, he will work with the Committee on Accreditation of Canadian Medical Schools’ (CACMS) Secretariat to facilitate the development of the MD program and accreditation process and standards, and provide advice regarding the recruitment of the interim leadership and support staff team. 

Andrew will also finalize the school of medicine’s equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) strategy and action plan, with attention to reconciliation, decolonization and Indigenous health values and strategic priorities in collaboration with community partners. Finally, he will develop a clinical education strategy and a business plan for the implementation of the Ryerson Integrated Health Team, and provide advice on stakeholder engagement in the Peel Region.

Andrew is past chair of the Canadian International Health and Education Association (CIHEA) and current chair of the Canada-UAE Business Council’s Working Group for Healthcare and Life Sciences. 

From 2010-2020, he was president and CEO of Royal College International, dedicated to international outreach and academic partnerships, and from 2006 through 2019, he served as the Royal College’s CEO. There he undertook an ambitious agenda transforming postgraduate medical education, membership and volunteer programs, health policy and advocacy, external relations and international outreach through the multi-year “Competency By Design” project.

Educated in political sciences and economics at the University of Toronto and in medicine at McMaster University, Andrew completed specialty training in internal medicine and hematology and practiced in Calgary, Riyadh, Kingston and Halifax while serving in multiple leadership roles, including commissioner of Cancer Care Nova Scotia.

Marcia Moshé, academic and administrative strategist

Marcia has a longstanding history of planning and implementing key initiatives for academic institutions. In her role, she will provide strategic advice and guidance regarding the development of the new MD program proposal to the Provost and Vice-President, Academic, as well as input into navigating relevant senate policies and external approvals. Most importantly, Marcia will advise the provost on the program development progress and requirements, with attention to appropriate committees. She will also assess alignment with the school’s vision, mission, values, program goals, and EDI strategy and action plan.

From January 2021 to March 2022, Marcia was vice-chair of Ryerson’s School of Medicine Planning Committee, and chair of the Academic Program Development Committee. Prior to this, she served three years as interim vice-provost, academic, where she led the development and implementation of a new undergraduate curriculum policy that revised the university’s tripartite curriculum to include open electives. 

Further, Marcia created the university’s Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching, launched a multi-year classroom standards and improvements planning initiative, and helped shepherd the Juris Doctor program through the stages of program development. She also served 10 years as associate dean of Arts, during which time she oversaw the launch and implementation of 10 new undergraduate programs in the social sciences and humanities.

Marcia is a professor in Ryerson’s Department of Psychology and is a recipient of the 2016 Errol Aspevig Award for Outstanding Academic Leadership.

The future of medicine in Ontario

The COVID-19 pandemic has put a spotlight on the increased need for investment in provincial health-care systems. As a result, future school of medicine students and graduates will make vital contributions to the creation of a health-care system that is stronger and more resilient.

Reflecting Ryerson’s core values, the school is rooted in five major pillars:

  1. Focusing on community centric primary care and the social determinants of health.
  2. Providing more culturally respectful care to communities.
  3. Leveraging innovation and technology in practices to improve quality of care and patient outcomes.
  4. Providing future physicians with the skills to develop interdisciplinary networks of healthcare to achieve better outcomes for patients in the communities.
  5. Focusing on the aging and supporting seniors as a growing portion of our society gets older.

We are grateful that Andrew and Marcia’s leadership and collaboration will continue to propel Ryerson and the field of medicine into bold new territory. Please join us in congratulating them, and in wishing them success in their new roles.

Mohamed Lachemi
President and Vice-Chancellor

Jennifer Simpson
Provost and Vice-President, Academic

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