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Share your vision for the Ryerson campus

Ryerson and the city have grown and it’s time to update the Campus Master Plan – with your help
March 29, 2019
Overhead view of the Ryerson campus at night

You are invited to contribute to a vision for the Ryerson campus. On April 10, visit the Student Campus Centre (SCC) lobby from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and lobby at 10 Dundas Street East from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Want to see more teaching space, learning space or living space on campus? Now’s your chance to tell us what the campus means to you. Outdoor gathering spaces? Other ideas? Ryerson invites you to share your thoughts and priorities for how campus should evolve over the next 10+ years. We want to hear about everything from classroom design to sustainability.

On April 10, 2019, drop by the lobby of 10 Dundas Street East from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., or the Student Campus Centre from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and use the interactive tools to share your thoughts and insights.

This event is the first step in a year-long consultation process. Provide your input on such important themes as:

  • Campus experience
  • Housing
  • Campus branding
  • Community inclusion
  • Sustainability
  • Indigenization of the campus
  • Accessibility
  • Safety

Your ideas will help inform future planning, design and construction on campus, and act as a catalyst to shape future growth.

“It’s important for the community to tell us what they enjoy about Ryerson and what needs to be improved. These drop-ins will help us learn where the favourite spots are on campus and why, and how we can encourage more time spent on campus,” said Deborah Brown, vice-president, administration and operations. “We want to ensure that our campus is one where the community wants to learn, spend their free time, enjoy activities and feel at home.”

Attendees at the Student Campus Centre event will qualify for a coupon for a free medium coffee from the HUB.

Other public consultation events are planned for April and September this year, and January 2020. Learn more by visiting the Campus Master Plan website.

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