Law school proposal approved by Federation of Law Societies of Canada

Photo: The approval of Ryerson’s law school proposal marks a major milestone in a long process for the university.
Ryerson University has achieved another major milestone in its efforts to bring a law school to Ryerson. This week, the Canadian Common Law Program Approval Committee of the Federation of Law Societies of Canada granted the law school proposal preliminary approval.
“I am very pleased that the proposal to bring a law school to Ryerson has been approved by the Federation of Law Societies of Canada. While this is a very important step on the long journey to bring a law school to Ryerson, there’s still further work to be done,” said Mohamed Lachemi, president and vice-chancellor, Ryerson University.
The preliminary approval from the Federation of Law Societies is the latest achievement in developing a law school at Ryerson. In June, 2017 the Ryerson Senate unanimously approved the law school proposal. In late October, the Ontario Universities Council on Quality Assurance approved the proposed law school program and outlined further steps to implement the program.
“We are delighted to have received preliminary approval from the Federation. Ryerson has a long history and expertise in providing innovative education and the proposed law school is no exception,” said Provost and Vice-President, Academic Michael Benarroch. “Our proposed law school will focus on leveraging technology, enhancing diversity, and providing increased access to justice for Ontarians. It is a unique opportunity to help shape legal education in Ontario and will complement other university law programs in Ontario and across Canada.”
The Federation Approval Committee’s assessment of Ryerson’s proposed law school includes a detailed examination of the proposed curriculum and learning resources. Ryerson is focusing on technology, access to justice and social innovation, which will be embedded directly into the curriculum through mandatory courses such as social innovation and the law, Indigenous law in Canada, legal innovation and the business of law, as well as in the perspectives of learning in a diverse community.
“The population of the GTA has grown and changed significantly over the last generation while legal education has largely remained static,” said Anver Saloojee, AVP international, special advisor to the president, provost and the lead in guiding the proposal forward. “Ryerson’s strong emphasis on diversity and inclusion in the legal profession will ensure we are graduating lawyers who can meet the needs of communities, consumers and society at large.”
President Lachemi added, "I would like to commend everyone at Ryerson who has worked so diligently to support this initiative as well as our many supporters in the community. I also want to extend special thanks to the following people:
● Alex Wellington, Professor, Philosophy, Faculty of Arts
● Alexandra Orlova, Professor, Criminology, Faculty of Arts
● Anver Saloojee, Professor, Politics and Public Administration, Faculty of Arts
● Avner Levin, Professor, Law and Business Management TRSM
● Gina Alexandris, Senior Program Director, Law Practice Program
● Graham Hudson, Professor, Criminology, Faculty of Arts
● Julia Shin Doi, General Counsel
● Mark Lovewell, Faculty of Arts (retired)
● Mitch Frazer, Vice-Chair, Ryerson Board of Governors
● Sari Graben, Professor, Law and Business Management, TRSM
● Tim Bartkiw, Professor, HR Management and Organizational Behaviour, TRSM