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TMU's 2nd Annual Wellbeing Week

October 02, 2023 - October 06, 2023
9:00 AM EDT - 5:00 PM EDT
Across TMU Campus and Virtual Events

Toronto Metropolitan University is hosting a university-wide week event dedicated to encouraging ongoing dialogue on mental health and wellbeing while promoting services and support on campus and highlighting new initiatives designed to advance our individual and collective wellbeing on campus.

The intent of the week is to:
celebrate, promote and protect the mental wellbeing of the diverse community we have at TMU,
increase awareness of resources for all our community members to support their wellbeing, and
provide opportunities for community members to engage in conversations related to mental wellbeing on campus.

We have several events occurring throughout the week for students, staff, and faculty. Check out the website for more details.

Feature Events include:

Sunset Yoga in the Urban Farm - Wednesday at 5:30pm

Urban Farm Tour and Harvest Party - Thursday at 1:30pm

Grief Literacy 101 Workshop - Thursday 9:00am

Community Conversation Cafe and Mural Making - Thursday at 12:00pm

Other events include:

A Wellbeing Tour on Campus, Top 10 Tips for Thriving at TMU Workshop, Sadness Peer Support Group, Time for Reflection and Dialogue with Elder Joanne Dallaire and many more...