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Other Publications


Horvat, M. and M. Wall, (Eds.), (2012), Solar Design of Buildings for Architects: Review of Solar Design Tools, Report T.41.B.3., IEA-SHC Programme Task 41: Solar Energy and Architecture, Approved and pending publishing at

Horvat, M., (2012), Needs of architects regarding digital tools for solar building design, Report T.41.B.4. IEA-SHC Programme Task 41: Solar Energy and Architecture, Approved and pending publishing at

Horvat, M. and M. Wall, (Eds.), (2012), Solar Design of Buildings for Architects: Review of Solar Design Tools, Report T.41.B.3., IEA-SHC Programme Task 41: Solar Energy and Architecture, Approved and pending publishing at

Farkas, K. and M. Horvat, (2012), Building Integration of Solar Thermal and Photovoltaics – Barriers, Needs and Strategies, Report T.41.A.1., IEA-SHC Programme Task 41: Solar Energy and Architecture, Approved and pending publishing at


Horvat, M., Dubois, M.-C., Snow, M., & Wall, M. (2011). International survey about digital tools used by architects for solar design. Report T.41.B.2. IEA-SHC Programme Task 41: Solar Energy and Architecture:

Ramasubramanian, V. and M. Horvat, (2011), Architecture Design Studio: “City #3: Toronto's Inner Suburbs - From Marginalization to Revitalization?“, Ryerson Faculty Conference 2011: Teaching Today's Learners, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada, May 17th, 2011.

Ramasubramanian, V. and M. Horvat, (2011), City #3: Toronto's Inner Suburbs - From Marginalization to Revitalization?, poster presentation, 2nd Tower Neigbourhood Renewal Symposium, University of Toronto Cities Centre, Toronto, Canada, May 12th, 2011.


Dubois, M.-C. and M. Horvat (Ed.), (2010), State of the Art of digital tools used by architects for solar design, IEA SHC Task 41: Solar Energy and Architecture, ST-B: Methods and tools for solar design, T.41.B1, available at:


Horvat, M., (2005), Protocol and Assessment Tool for Performance Evaluation of Light-frame Building Envelopes Used in Residential Buildings, Dissertation in the Department of Building, Civil and Environmental Engineering, presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Building Engineering) at Concordia University, Montreal, Québec, Canada.
This Ph.D. dissertation is a winner of CMHC's 2007 Housing Studies Achievement Award.

Also published as:
Horvat, M., (2009), Building Envelope Performance Protocol and Assessment Tool – for light-frame building envelopes used in residential buildings, VDM Verlag, Germany, ISBN-13: 978-3639191455.