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Pannaphon Senamontri

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  • Bachelor of Arts, Division of International Studies, Ewha Womans University


Creative writing, Content creation (texts, pictures, videos), Social media management


Meet Pannaphon Senamontri, affectionately known as PunPun, a vibrant individual whose journey from the warm heart of Thailand to the dynamic landscapes of South Korea is as inspiring as it is fascinating. Over the past six years, South Korea has been her home away from home, a place where she has knitted her dreams into reality.

PunPun is a proud graduate of the Division of International Studies at Ewha Womans University, where she immersed herself in the complexities of International Business Economics and International Law and Diplomacy. Her time at Ewha wasn't just about gaining a double concentration; it was about exploring the global stage with curiosity and courage, preparing herself for a world that's interconnected in myriad ways.

But PunPun's story doesn't stop at academic achievements. With a keen interest in the digital world, she ventured into Content Marketing in South Korea, where she has been making her mark with creativity and insight. Her work in digital content marketing is not just a career, it's a passion that allows her to connect with people, share stories, and inspire actions across borders.

PunPun's journey from the lively streets of Thailand to the innovative hubs of South Korea is a testament to her adventurous spirit and her relentless pursuit of excellence. Whether it's through her academic endeavors or her professional work in digital marketing, she is a shining example of how determination, coupled with an enthusiasm for learning and adapting, can pave the way for success in our interconnected world.

Why Digital Media?

My decision to pursue a Master's in Digital Media at TMU is deeply influenced by my professional background in digital content marketing, coupled with a clear vision for my future in this field. Having gained valuable work experience, I've witnessed firsthand the transformative power of digital media and its significant role in shaping consumer behavior and business strategies. This experience has ignited my passion for delving deeper into digital media, and I see TMU as the perfect place to expand my knowledge and skills, aligning with my future career aspirations.

TMU's reputation for excellence in digital media studies is reinforced by its curriculum that merges cutting-edge digital media theories with practical applications. This aligns perfectly with my ambition to not only enhance my content marketing strategies but also to explore innovative digital solutions that can drive engagement and business growth. The university's state-of-the-art facilities and access to advanced digital tools will allow me to experiment and apply new techniques in content creation, distribution, and measurement, directly reflecting the challenges and opportunities I've encountered in my career.

