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Julia Le Clair



  •  Bachelor of Fine Arts, New Media, Ryerson University 


Experience Design, Digital Fabrication, Multimedia Storytelling, Wearable Technology, Tangible Media and Communication Design 


As a newly graduate of the New Media program, Julia has experienced many unique roles and opportunities with digital technology. She has built an extensive skillset from project and operations management, technical design and productions using advanced digital software, and teaching through experiential learning. 

In her most recent position as a Fab Lab Assistant, she supported the operations of a robust and versatile digital fabrication lab at Ryerson University. Her expertise in 3D printing and scanning technologies, laser cutting and digital modelling, allowed her to assist students, staff and faculty in accessing technology efficiently and safely. 

Additionally, she built a working knowledge of robotics, code and electronics within her undergraduate career through her studies and volunteering at the university. She has worked with numerous groups in various creative aspects, both fabrication and community-orientated programmings such as RTA’s Course Union, fabricator on interactive installations and various student-led projects within New Media’s maker community. 

Why Digital Media?

I have always had a passion for all things creative, and I chose the MDM program to challenge my ways of thinking, develop my skills, and further explore the realms of digital media. Being a mixed media artist, I have always been fascinated with the understanding of digital fabrication and the influence of technological advancements. Through MDM, I strive to explore the influence these technical communities have in DIY, creation, and its impact on transforming educational experiences. 

