Melanie Correia

Ontario College of Art and Design University: Bachelor of Design Major in Advertising
Toronto Metropolitan University: Publishing Certificate
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Digital Marketing and Creative Strategy
Melanie is a creative strategist with over 10 years of working in customer service. Since graduating from OCADU she has dabbled in the book publishing world, taking courses from Ryerson's publishing certificate program and gaining experience hands on at Random House Canada and HarperCollins Canada as a Digital Marketing intern. Her passions are in film/cinema culture, book publishing and digital media with a particular interest in storytelling and copywriting. Her strengths lie in creative strategy and ideation, brand building, customer service and narrative communication. Melanie strongly believes that the world can be transformed through stories, and hopes to merge her interests with the MDM program to explore the possibilities digital media's role can play in relation to them.
Why Digital Media?
The MDM program appealed to me because it offers networking between designers, tech savvy individuals and entrepreneurs. After completing my undergrad in Advertising, I found the majority of my skillset revolved around traditional media, so having the chance to work with a broader range of other skillsets brought forth by my fellow cohort members, I am gaining insight into the innovation digital media can bring to the world. The way of the future is online, and this applies to our everyday social experiences as well as business models companies should and currently are already adopting. The digital realm is boundless and digital media/communication has endless possibilities that I can't wait to explore.
Major Research Project: "Introducing Social Connectivity to the Toronto International Film Festival"
The purpose of this project is to showcase how the creation of a digital component, such as the People’s Choice app, would enhance the festival attendee experience by providing more social connectivity to the festival and other attendees. The use of mobile technology heightens our perceived relationships with brands, events and individuals to the point where it could be considered destructive to not offer some form of digital component to sustain new relationships and build upon current relationships with visitors of the festival.