The Make-Up Test Centre can support students with the administration of both remote and in-person tests/exams.
We are pleased to announce that the Make-Up test centre now administers paper and pencil tests/exams and computer-based tests/exams. The computers can be used for the exams which are already uploaded into D2L, and students will have access only to the Microsoft Office package and Acrobat Adobe Reader for their exams.
For in-person make-up tests/exams, students must be enrolled in an in-person course, which has a scheduled in-person quiz, test, or midterm for the entire class. For remote tests/exams, The Make-Up Test Centre team is available to support Faculty with make-up requests in D2L.
Students registered with Academic Accommodation Support (AAS) who need to schedule an accommodated make-up, please go to AAS Student Portal
(opens in new window)
The Make-Up Test Centre is a service designed to facilitate the make-up testing needs of students and instructors. After students obtain the permission of their instructor to write the make-up test or exam, log in to the online system to submit the request. Final approval of a make-up test or exam is up to the discretion of the instructor.
Faculty and Instructors may opt to set up remote make-up tests without Make-Up Test Centre support by following Ryerson's step-by-step guide: special access for D2L quizzes.
Registered with AAS?
Students registered with Academic Accommodation Support (AAS) who need to schedule an accommodated make-up, please visit the AAS Student Portal