Best of the Ryersonian
The Ryersonian newsroom is staffed and operated by final-year undergraduate and graduate students in the Ryerson School of Journalism. The students produce: (external link) ; the Ryersonian, a monthly newspaper; a monthly broadcast on Ryersonian TV; a weekly podcast and daily video updates.
The following is a selection of the Ryersonian’s best work from the Fall 2019 semester.
Alumna led life of service (external link)
By: Breanna Xavier-Carter (external link)
Alishia Liolli discovered a passion for working with special needs students during a Rye course placement in the Bahamas.
The pianos of Ryerson (external link)
By: Chelsey Gould (external link)
Students, staff use Ryerson pianos on their own time to practise and destress.
Facing the repercussions of excessive vaping (external link)
By: Nathan Sing and Aria De Lima (external link)
The number of vaping-related illnesses has not deterred young people from vaping.
The case of the missing cornerstone (external link)
By: Charles Buckley and Benjamin Cohen (external link)
Ryerson’s legendary treasure hunt still eludes students.
And accompanying Blue and Gold (external link) podcast episode, which takes a look at a longtime mystery at Ryerson: The Case of the Missing Cornerstone. (external link)
The Ryersonian’s election coverage: