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Q&A with Valentina Ceballos Jiménez, President’s scholarship winner

November 16, 2022

For many international students, tuition fees and living costs are top of mind and can be a deciding factor in choosing where you study. This was the case for Valentina Ceballos Jiménez, an international student from Tampico Mexico, who won the President’s Entrance Scholarship in 2021! 

Check out our interview with Valentina and the Q&A below where we ask her all about the application process and her advice to scholarship applicants.

TMU: How did you narrow in on Canada as a destination of study?
I always knew that I wanted to study abroad and I chose Canada because of several qualities – I believe that the quality of life here is amazing, the people are very welcoming and the education and job opportunities are abundant. Canada is also full of the most beautiful sunsets and landscapes and that was very attractive for me. Living here has allowed me to make connections with people from all around the world which is something that I value a lot because I had the opportunity to learn a lot while also connecting with my own culture.

TMU: Why Toronto Met?
I really liked that the campus is located in downtown Toronto. I felt that studying here would open a lot of doors for me in the future and being in the heart of Toronto is a great way to introduce myself to life in a big city! I was also blown away by the Biomedical Engineering program. I could tell that it was challenging but the classes seemed very interesting and I felt a deep eagerness to be a part of it. Lastly, by checking out the university’s instagram pages I could tell that there were several student groups and clubs that help students form a close community and I wasn’t wrong.

TMU: Why did you decide to apply for the President’s Entrance Scholarship?
As an international student, tuition fees can be very expensive. Plus, extra costs of living away from home will add up. I wanted to help my parents out and reduce the amount they were paying. I also wanted to enhance my education opportunities by studying abroad.

TMU: What was the application process like for the President’s Entrance Scholarship?
It was a long yet simple process. I wrote a 500-word essay about a topic that reflects the kind of person I am, submitted two letters of reference from high school teachers I was close to, and shared a list of all my extracurricular and academic activities that showcased my leadership skills.

TMU: What were some major challenges when applying for the scholarship?
I’m a perfectionist so there were more than seven rough drafts of the essay! It took me a few tries to stop focusing on trying to do what I believed I had to say and actually start writing my real thoughts and expressing true passion. 

TMU: How did it feel winning the scholarship?
It felt absolutely amazing. It was definitely a confidence boost and it made my decision of which university I was going to choose ten times easier.

TMU: Do you have any advice for incoming students hoping to receive a scholarship?
Valentina: First, don’t underestimate yourself! Second, focus on showing who you really are in your application. Do not strive to be who you think should win– show authenticity and passion to be great. Apply to as many scholarships as possible and make sure that you do so with a good amount of time so that you are not rushed and stressed.

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