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International Admission Requirements by Country

Find your general admission requirements by country below, and also review the prerequisite subjects by faculty.

You must present the equivalent of the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) with six Grade 12 U or M courses. TMU reserves the right to be the final arbiter of what will be accepted as equivalent. 

All secondary and post-secondary studies are considered in the competitive selection process. Admission is based on competitive overall averages and grades in subject requirements. Admission consideration is based on the information available at the time of application review. 

If you have completed post-secondary studies, visit the university/college transfer students page.

There are non-academic requirements for some programs (e.g. portfolio, interview, audition). Visit each program page for submission dates and procedures. 

Proof of English language proficiency may be required. Visit English language requirements for details.

Prerequisite subjects

  • All programs have required subjects (and grades)
  • All applicants are required to present a senior level/Grade 12 (or equivalent) English course
  • Other required courses must be presented at the senior/Grade 12 (or equivalent) level unless otherwise stated
  • Calculus is required for all Engineering programs, the Accounting & Finance program, and select programs in the Faculty of Science

Visit the prerequisite subjects by faculty page for a complete list of prerequisite subjects.




Afghanistan Baccalauria
Albania Certificate of Maturity
Algeria Visit French-Patterned Education
Angola Secondary school leaving Certificate/ Diploma de Ensino Medio with high academic standing or first-year standing from a recognized university
Antigua and Barbuda Visit Caribbean or British-Patterned Education
Argentina Bachillerato/Bachiller
Armenia MijnaKarg Krtutyan Attestat (Certificate of Complete Secondary Education) Hasunutian Vkaiakan (Certificate of Maturity) with very good results including the applicable subject prerequisites
Australia Australian Capital Territory (ACT): Tertiary Entrance Statement plus Year 12 Certificate/UAI
New South Wales (NSW): Higher School Certificate (HSC) plus Tertiary Entrance (TE) Rank/UAI
Northern Territory (NT): Certificate of Education (NTCE)/NT Year 12
Queensland (QLD): Senior Certificate of Education (before 2008 Senior Certificate) plus TE Statement
South Australia (SA): Year 12 Certificate of Education SACE plus TE Rank
Tasmania (TAS): Tasmanian Certificate of Education (TCE) plus TE Score/Rank
Victoria (VIC): Certificate of Education (VCE) plus TE Rank/Score
Western Australia (WA): Certificate of Education (WACE) plus TE Score/Rank
Austria Reifeprufung/Matura
Azerbaijan Certificate of General Education with very good results including the applicable subject prerequisites
Country Requirement(s)
Bahamas Bahamas National High School Diploma (BHSD) issued by the Ministry of Education and at least three Cs in the Bahamas General Certificate of Secondary Education (BGCSE), or first-year standing at a recognized university, such as the University of The Bahamas.
Bahrain Tawjahiya (General Secondary School Certificate)
Bangladesh Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) (12 years of study) with excellent results including the applicable subject prerequisites.
Barbados Visit Caribbean or British-Patterned Education
Belarus Svidetel’stvo/o Srednem Obrazovanii Grade 12 (Certificate of Secondary Education) with very good results.
Belgium Certificat d’EnseignmentSecondaire Supérieur (Academic Stream)/ Diploma van Secundair Onderwijs
Belize Visit Caribbean or British-Patterned Education
Benin Visit French-Patterned Education.
Bermuda Bermuda School Certificate (12 years), or Saltus Grammar School Graduate Years Programme (12 years), or one year of an academic program at Bermuda College. Toronto Metropolitan University will also consider British-patterned and Caribbean education credentials, and the International Baccalaureate diploma. Visit Caribbean or British-Patterned Education sections for details. Also visit International Baccalaureate.
Bhutan Indian School Certificate (Class XII)
Bolivia Bachillerato Humanístico
Bosnia and Herzegovina Matura (Secondary School Leaving Certificate)
Botswana First-year standing from a recognized university. Also visit British-Patterned Education.
Brazil Certificado de Conclusão do Ensino Médio (Segundo Grau before 1977) plus Vestibular (University Entrance Exam) /ENEM (Middle Education National Examination)
British-Patterned Education

Minimum Requirements:

  • GCSE/ IGCSE/ O Level – At least three different subject areas at the GCSE/ IGCSE/ O Level with final grades of at least ‘B/6’ or higher in one subject and 'C/4' or higher in two other subjects
  • GCE AS Level  – Four different AS Level subjects with predicted and final grades of ‘B’ or better in two subjects and ‘C’ or better in two other subjects
  • GCE A Level - Two or more A Level subjects, with predicted and final grades of ‘B’ or higher in one subject and ‘C’ or higher in another subject

Note: General Paper and/or General Studies are not acceptable.

Cambridge Pre-University Minimum Requirements:

  • The diploma with competitive grades of 'M3' or higher in each Principal Subject. Toronto Metropolitan University will also consider applicants for certain programs who present a combination of the Pre-U Certificates (Principal Subjects), GCE/A Levels and AS Levels along with IGCSE/GCSE/O Levels.
  • Cambridge Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE) will be considered on an individual basis.

Acceptable Alternate Credentials:

  • Scottish Certificate of Higher Education
  • WJEC CBAC General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE), AS Level and A Level

BTEC qualifications:

  • BTEC Level three or higher qualifications will be considered for admission on an individual basis provided the qualifications include sufficient academic content.
  • Program-specific subject requirements must be completed or in progress at the GCSE/O Level or higher.

Prerequisite Subject Requirements:

  • Applicants are encouraged to present prerequisite subjects at the GCE A Level; however, excellent AS Levels and GCSE/IGCSE/O Levels will be considered (except where noted below).  
  • English at the GCE A Level or Pre-U Certificate (Principal Subject) is recommended for Journalism and Media Production. 
  • Completion of the GCSE O Level in English as a Second Language with a grade between ‘A/7’-’C/4’ will be considered in order to meet the English prerequisite subject requirement.
  • Mathematics at the GCE A Level or Pre-U Certificate (Principal Subject) is recommended for all programs that require Calculus, including programs in the Faculty of Science and the Architectural Science program. It is required for Accounting and Finance and all Engineering programs. 
  • Physics at the A Level or Pre-U Certificate (Principal Subject) is also required for all Engineering programs.

Transfer Credit:

  • GCE A Levels with grades of ‘C’ or better, or Pre-U Certificate (Principal Subject) with grades of 'M3' or higher, may be considered for transfer credit on an individual basis. 
  • No transfer credit is given for AS Levels. 
  • Engineering students are not eligible for transfer credits for core and professional engineering courses using GCE A Levels or Pre-U Certificate (Principal Subject).
Brunei Darussalam Brunei-Cambridge GCE O and A Levels. Visit British-Patterned Education.
Bulgaria Diploma Za Zavurcheno Sredno Obrazovanie (Diploma of Completion of Secondary Education)
Burma Visit Myanmar
Burkina Faso Visit French-Patterned Education.
Burundi Diplôme d’État
Country Requirement(s)
  • Commencing 1997: Upper Secondary School Certificate of Completion (12 years of study).
  • Before 1997: pre-university year.
Cameroon Cameroon GCSE O Levels and GCE A Levels/ Baccalauréat. Also visit British-Patterned Education.
Caribbean Education (CAPE)

Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) and Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examinations (CAPE).

Minimum requirements:

  • CSEC subjects must be at the General Proficiency level with grades of one, two or three. 
  • CAPE requirements include six units with an average of three or higher. 
  • TMU will also consider a preliminary year at the University of the West Indies, Barbados Community College or equivalent in lieu of the CAPE diploma.
  • Subject to competition, applicants may be required to present averages/grades above the minimum.

Prerequisite Subject Requirements:

  • Prerequisites at the CAPE level are highly recommended.
  • All program specific prerequisite subjects must be included at either the CSEC or CAPE level. Prerequisites at the CAPE Level are highly recommended.
  • Preference is given to applicants applying to mathematics- and science-based programs that include mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology at the CAPE level (as per applicable program prerequisite subject requirements).

Transfer Credit:

CAPE units with grades of three or better may be considered for transfer credit on an individual basis. Engineering students are not eligible for transfer credits for core and professional engineering courses using CAPE units.

Document Requirements:

Interim Secondary

If you’re a current high school student, you must submit the following via the ChooseTMU Applicant Portal:

  • CSEC awarded by the CXC
  • Final results for completed CAPE units 
  • Predicted results for CAPE units in progress

Final Secondary

If you’ve already completed your CAPE studies, submit a copy of your final results via the ChooseTMU Applicant Portal. If you’re admitted to a TMU program, you may be asked to provide your CXC Examination Centre Number and your ten digit Candidate Number in order for us to obtain and verify your official results online.

Central African Republic Visit French-Patterned Education.
Chad Visit French-Patterned Education.
Chile Licencia de Enseñanza Media plus Prueba de Transición / Prueba de Aptitud Académica (PAA) before December 2003
China, People's Republic of (PRC)

Admission Requirements:

  • Senior High School (Upper Middle School) Graduation Diploma
  • At least five Senior 3 academic courses (including prerequisite subjects)

Applicants who have written additional examinations (e.g. SAT, ACT, AP, SAT subject-based tests) and who wish to have these considered in the assessment of their application for admission are encouraged to submit their scores.

Document Requirements:

Interim Secondary

If you are a current high school student, you must submit the following via the ChooseTMU Applicant Portal:

  • A current academic transcript showing results for Senior 1, 2 and any Senior 3 mid-term/mid-year results available and the grading scale used. 
  • A school profile should accompany your transcript, if available.

Final Secondary

  • A final, official academic transcript showing Senior 1, 2 and 3 results (and the grading scale used). This official transcript must be sent to us directly by the school.
  • Verification Report of China Secondary Education Certificate (proof of graduation) via China Credentials Verification (CSSD-Parchment Portal Service (external link, opens in new window) ).

Other Secondary

  • Private international high schools for international and Chinese students
  • International divisions within public schools
  • International high schools for international students

You must submit mid-term/mid-year results (if in progress) with a school profile via the ChooseTMU Applicant Portal. If your studies are complete, you must arrange for the submission of a final official academic transcript and school profile as well as: 

  • A Chinese high school diploma recognized by the Chinese ministry/municipal department of education, and/or
  • Proof of graduation from an accredited international curriculum/school with permission to operate in China

TMU will not accept standardized test scores (e.g. SAT/ACT) in lieu of the above requirements.

Final Post-Secondary

If you are currently enrolled in, or previously completed studies at a college or university, you must submit the following:

Colombia Bachiller Académico with very strong results including the prerequisite subject(s). Successful completion of first year at an accredited university may be required if excellent upper secondary school results are not obtained.
Congo Visit French-Patterned Education.
Congo, Democratic Republic (formerly Zaire) Baccalauréat/Diplôme d’État d’Études Secondaires du Cycle Long
Costa Rica First-year standing from a recognized university.
Cote d'Ivoire Visit French-Patterned Education.
Croatia Matura (Secondary School Leaving Diploma)
Cuba Pre-University Course (and the National Competitive Exam)/ Bachillerato
Cyprus Apolytirion of Lykeion/GCSE Ordinary (O) Level Examinations plus the GCE Advanced (A) Level Examinations. Also visit British-Patterned Education.
Czech Republic Maturitni Vysvedceni
Country Requirement(s)
Denmark Studentereksamenbevis / Højere Forberedelseseksamen / Højere Handelseksamen / Højere Teknisk Eksamen
Dominica Visit Caribbean or British-Patterned Education.
Dominican Republic Bachillerato
Country Requirement(s)
Ecuador Bachillerato
12 years of Education: Thanaweya Am’ma (General Secondary Education Certificate)
El Salvador Bachillerato General and Prueba Avanzo
Eritrea First-year standing from a recognized university.
Estonia Gumnaasiumi Loputunnistus (Secondary School Leaving Certificate)
Eswatini First-year standing from a recognized university.

Secondary School Leaving Examination (SSLE)

Prior to 2021: Ethiopian General Secondary Education Certificate (EGSEC) and Ethiopian University Entrance Examination Certificate (EUEEC)

Country Requirement(s)
Fiji Form 7 Examination
Finland Ylioppilastutkintotodistus/ Studentexamensbetyg
French-Patterned Education Baccalauréat/Baccalauréat Général/Option Internationale du Baccalauréat/Diplôme de Bachelier de l’Enseignement du Second Degré.  Applicants will be considered for admission on their ‘bulletins’ (with results out of 20) in Première and Terminale or, if already completed, on their final Baccalauréat results. An overall average of 11 or higher in Première and Terminale and 11 or higher in each subject prerequisite will be considered. Admission is competitive and subject to space availability. Higher grades may be required.
Country Requirement(s)
Gabon Visit French-Patterned Education.
Gambia West African Examinations Council Senior School Certificate Examination /O and A Levels. Also visit British-Patterned Education.
Georgia Sashualo Skolis Atesti (Secondary School Certificate)
Germany Abitur/Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife
Ghana West African Examinations Council Senior School Certificate Examination
  • After 1999: Geniko Lykeio/General Lykeiou.
  • Before 1999: Apolytirion of Lykeio and General Entrance Examination
Grenada Visit Caribbean or British-Patterned Education.
Guatemala First-year standing from a recognized university.
Guinea Baccalauréat 2ème partie
Guyana Visit Caribbean or British-Patterned Education.


Country Requirement(s)
Iceland Studentsprof (from a Gymnasium)
India Toronto Metropolitan University will accept the All India Senior School Certificate Examination (awarded by CBSE) or the Indian School Certificate (awarded by CISCE). Students presenting Class/Standard XII State Board Exams (Higher Secondary School Certificate, Intermediate Examination Certificate, Pre-University Examinations Certificate) with high standing will also be considered for admission.
Indonesia After 1994: Surat Tanda Tamat Belajar (STTB) Sekolah Menengah Umum Tingkat Ata (SMA) (Certificate of Completion of General Academic Upper Secondary School). Up to 1994: ljazah Sekolah Menengah Atas (S.M.A.) (Senior Secondary Leaving Certificate)/STTB
International Baccalaureate

Applicants who have completed the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma must present grades of 4 or higher in three Higher Level and three Standard Level subjects, including prerequisite subjects, and a total score of 28 or higher (bonus points will be accepted).

Applicants currently enrolled in IB studies must provide predicted results from their school (bonus points will not be considered during our assessment of predicted results).

Subject to competition, applicants may be required to present a total score above the minimum.

The IB certificate and IB Career-related Programme (IBCP) cannot be used in lieu of the high school diploma requirement.

IB Higher Levels with grades of 5 or higher may be considered for transfer credit on an individual basis. Engineering students are not eligible for transfer credits for core and professional engineering courses using IB subjects.

  • Beginning 2019: High School Diploma after 12 years of study with high academic standing.
  • Between 1997 and 2018: Diplom-Metevaseth and Pre-university year with high academic standing.
  • Before 1997: National High School Diploma after 12 years with high academic standing. Prerequisite subjects must be included in the final year of secondary school (if completed before 1997) or in the Pre-university year.
Iraq Sixth Form Baccalauréat
Ireland Leaving Certificate with four academic subject passes at the higher/ honours level.
Israel Bagrut (Matriculation) or Mechina (University Preparatory)
Italy Diploma di Superamento Dell’Esame di Stato
Program Requirement(s)
Jamaica Visit Caribbean or British-Patterned Education.
Japan Kotogakko Sotsugyo Shomeisho (Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate)
Jordan Tawjihi (General Secondary Education Certificate) (Grade 12 Comprehensive secondary education)
Program Requirement(s)
Kazakhstan Svidetel’stvo/o Srednem Obrazovanii (Certificate of Secondary Education Grade 11)
Kenya Kenyan Certificate of Secondary Education. Also visit British-Patterned Education.
Kuwait Shahadat Al-Thanawiya-Al-A’ama (General Secondary School Certificate)
Kyrgyzstan Svidetel’stvo/o Srednem Obrazovanii (Certificate of Secondary Education Grade 11)
Country Requirement(s)
Laos First-year standing from a recognized university.
Latvia Atestats par visparejo videjo izglitibu (Attestation of General Secondary Education)

General Secondary Education Certificate (Baccalauréat or Baccalauréat Libanais).

Prior to 1991 the Baccalauréat (part II) in those years in which the government examinations were offered.  Students who completed school in 1976, 1978, 1985 or 1987-1999, the years in which the government examinations were not offered, are required to present first year studies completed at a recognized university.

Lesotho First-year standing from a recognized university. Also visit British-Patterned Education.
Liberia Senior High School Certificate plus University Entrance Exam
Libya Secondary Education Certificate
Liechtenstein Liechtenstein Maturazeugnis or Berufsmaturitatszeugnis
Lithuania Brandos Atestats (Maturity Certificate)
Luxembourg Diplôme de Fin d’Etudes Secondaires
Country Requirement(s)
Macao Cambridge Overseas Higher School Certificate (COHSC)/GCE Advanced Level/University of Macao’s Pre-university program. Also visit British-Patterned Education, Portugal, Hong Kong, Taiwan and U.S.A.
Macedonia Certificate of Completion of Secondary Education and University Entrance Exams
Madagascar Visit French-Patterned Education.
Malawi School Certificate of Education. Also visit British-Patterned Education.
Malaysia Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia (STPM); Malaysian Independent Chinese Secondary School System MICSS Unified Examination Certificate. Also visit British-Patterned Education.
Mali Visit French-Patterned Education.
Malta Matriculation Certificate/ University of Malta Advanced Matriculation (AM). Also visit British-Patterned Education.
Mauritania Visit French-Patterned Education.
Mauritius Joint Examination for The School Certificate and The Higher School Certificate and General Certificate of Education
Mexico Bachillerato
Moldova Diploma de Bacalaureat
Mongolia Gerchilgee (School Leaving Certificate)
Montserrat Visit Caribbean or British-Patterned Education.
Morocco Baccalauréat/Baccalauréat général/Diplôme de l’enseignment supérieur du second degree
Mozambique Certificado de Habilitacoes Literarias (Secondary School Leaving Certificate)
Myanmar (Burma) First-year standing from a recognized university.
Country Requirement(s)
Namibia International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) and Higher International General Certificate of Secondary Education (HIGCSE); Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate (NSSC) and Higher Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate (HNSSC) commencing 2007. Visit British-Patterned Education and South Africa.
Nepal Proficiency Certificate awarded by a recognized university/Higher Secondary Certificate
Netherlands VWO-Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (Gymnasium A/B and Atheneum A/B) Certificate
New Zealand
  • Commencing 2004: National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) at Level Three or higher.
  • Before 2004: Higher School Certificate + University Bursaries/ Entrance Scholarship Examination
Nicaragua First-year standing from a recognized university.
Niger Visit French-Patterned Education.
Nigeria West African Examinations Council Senior School Certificate Examination
North Korea First-year standing from a recognized university.
Norway Vitnemål For Videregående Opplaering (Certificate For Upper Secondary Education and Training)


Country Requirement(s)
Oman Thanawiya Amma (Secondary School Leaving Certificate)
Country Requirement(s)
Pakistan Intermediate Certificate or Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSSC) with excellent results including the applicable subject prerequisites.
Palestine National Authority Tawjihi/Injaz (Certificate of General Secondary Education) or first-year standing from a recognized university.
Panama Bachillerato
Papua New Guinea Higher School Certificate
Paraguay Bachillerato
Peru High school graduation with high academic standing; otherwise, first-year standing from a recognized university.
  • Commencing 2017: Senior High School diploma (Grade 12) with excellent results including the applicable prerequisite subjects;
  • Before 2017: Second-year standing from an accredited university with a minimum cumulative grade point average of “B” and high standing in the appropriate program subject prerequisites.
Poland Matura/Swiadectwo Dojrzalosci
Portugal Diploma de Ensino Secundario
Puerto Rico Visit United States
Country Requirement(s)
Qatar Thanawaya Aam Qatari (Qatari General Secondary Education Certificate)
Country Requirement(s)
Romania Diploma de Bacalaureat
Russian Federation Attestat o Srednem Obrazovanii (Certificate of Secondary Education after Year 11) with high standing in the appropriate program subject prerequisites and in overall standing.
Rwanda Secondary Education Advanced Level Examination Certificate; Diplôme de Fin d'Études Secondaires; or Certificat des Humanités
Country Requirement(s)
St. Kitts and Nevis Visit Caribbean or British-Patterned Education.
Saint Lucia Visit Caribbean or British-Patterned Education.
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Visit Caribbean or British-Patterned Education.
Saudi Arabia Tawjihiyah (General Secondary Education Certificate)
Scotland National Qualifications offered by SQA - at least four Highers, including subject prerequisites, with strong results. Also visit British-Patterned Education.
Senegal Visit French-Patterned Education.
Serbia and Montenegro Matura/Certificate of Completion of Secondary Education
Seychelles Visit British-Patterned Education.
Sierra Leone West African Examinations Council Senior School Certificate Examination since 2000; Higher School Certificate; O and A Levels. Also visit British-Patterned Education.
Singapore Singapore/Cambridge GCSE Ordinary Level and GCE Advanced Level examinations. Also visit British-Patterned Education.
Slovak Republic Maturitnej Skúska/ Maturita
Slovenia Matura/Secondary School Leaving Diploma
Solomon Islands First-year standing from a recognized university.
Somalia High School graduation with high academic standing or first-year standing from a recognized university.
South Africa
  • After 1992: National Senior Certificate (with matriculation endorsement)
  • Before 1992: Matriculation Certificate (South African Joint Matriculation Board)
South Korea Academic Upper Secondary School Certificate (Immumgye Kodung Hakkyo Choeupchang)
Spain Titulo de Bachillerato/ Curso de Orientación Universitaria (COU) and Prueba de Acceso a la Universidad (PAU/university entrance exam)
Sri Lanka Sri Lankan General Certificate of Education with strong grades in at least 3 subjects at the Advanced Level/4 from previous system (before 2000).
Sudan First-year standing from a recognized university.
Surinam V.W.O. (Voobereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs) Certificate
Sweden Avgångsbetyg/Slutbetyg Fran Gymnasieskolan
Switzerland Maturitätszeugnis/Certificat de Maturité/Baccalauréat/Attestato di Maturità/Federally recognized Cantonal Maturity Certificate
Syria Al Shahada Al Thanawiya/Baccalauréat (Secondary School Leaving Certificate)
Country Requirement(s)
Taiwan Senior High School Graduation Certificate (academic program)
Tajikistan Attestat o Srednem Obrazovanii (Certificate of Secondary School Education - Grade 11)
Tanzania Certificate of Secondary Education and Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education.Visit British-Patterned Education.
Thailand Mathayom Suska 6 (M6)
Togo Visit French-Patterned Education.
Tonga Tonga National Form 7 and New Zealand University Entrance, Bursaries and Scholarship Examinations or University of the South Pacific Foundation Year. Also visit New Zealand.
Trinidad and Tobago Visit Caribbean or British-Patterned Education.
Tunisia Final two years of Enseignement secondaire (secondary education) + Examen National du Baccalauréat. Also visit French-Patterned Education.
Türkiye Lise Bitirme Diplomasi/Devlet Lise Diplomasi
Turkmenistan Attestat o Srednem Obrazovanii (Certificate of Secondary Education Grade 11)
Country Requirement(s)
Uganda Ugandan Certificate of Education and Advanced Certificate of Education. Also visit British-Patterned Education.
  • Beginning 2019: Svidotstvo pro zdobuttia povnoi zagalnoi serednoi osvity
  • Before 2019: Atestat pro povnu zagal’nu sersdniu osvitu (Certificate of Complete General Secondary Education)
United Arab Emirates Tawjihiyya (Secondary School Certificate)
United States

Graduation from Grade 12 of an academic program at an accredited secondary school with high academic standing including minimum B grades in the program-specific subject prerequisites and a minimum B overall average. Subject to competition, applicants may be required to present averages/grades above the minimum.

In most cases, subject prerequisites should be completed at the AP level and/or Grade 12 senior academic level (some exceptions apply).

Document Requirements:

The high school profile (including accreditation, grading scheme, etc.) must accompany the academic record. While we do not have minimum SAT or ACT score requirements, strong performance on a standardized test can strengthen an application. If SAT or ACT examinations have been written, the results should be submitted. Advanced Placement (AP) examination results will also be considered.

Transfer Credit:

AP courses with examination scores of 4 or higher will be considered for transfer credit on an individual basis. Engineering students are not eligible for transfer credits for core and professional engineering courses using AP examinations.

Uruguay Bachillerato
Uzbekistan Attestat o Srednem Obrazovanii (Certificate of Secondary Education-Grade 11)


Country Requirement(s)
Vanuatu Visit New Zealand
Venezuela First-year standing from a recognized university.
Vietnam Bằng tốt nghiệp Trung học phổ thông (Upper Secondary School Graduation Certificate) and Kỳ thi trung học phổ thông quốc gia (Secondary School Graduation Examination)
Country Requirement(s)
West African Examinations Council (WAEC) West African Examinations Council Senior School Certificate Examination

No relevant content for this area.

Country Requirement(s)
Yemen Al Thanawiya (General Secondary Education Certificate)
Country Requirement(s)
Zambia Zambia School Certificate
Zimbabwe Cambridge School Certificate and Higher School Certificate. Also visit British-Patterned Education.

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