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Section Two: Setting the Context

The Ted Rogers School of Management building on Dundas Street on the TMU campus.

Toronto: A Gathering Place of Knowledge and Exchange

TMU is located in the heart of downtown Toronto. The Greater Toronto Area (GTA) is a cultural hub and home to one of the most diverse ranges of cultures based within the traditional territories of multiple Algonquian and Iroquoian First Nations. These First Nations historically established Toronto as a Gathering Place of trade, commerce and cultural exchange which remains reflective of the city today. 

Toronto continues to serve as a magnet for talented immigrants, attracting the highest number of new immigrants to Canada. For Indigenous Peoples today, education, employment and training are the key motivating factors for making the move to urban centres. As a downtown campus, TMU is in the heart of Toronto’s cultural institutions, government and business, as well as its thriving innovation sector, providing a wealth of opportunities for Indigenous students. TMU also has much to offer in working with and understanding the local urban Indigenous community, with Toronto having one of the largest and most diverse urban Indigenous populations in Canada.2

I see a lot of students in my classes wanting to learn a different version of history, wanting to learn about Indigenous, non-Indigenous relations from Indigenous perspectives. What they often express in terms of encountering these stories is a sense of shock or sadness or anger, and realizing that as adults living in what is now known as Canada they didn’t know about residential schooling, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, about the Indian Act and, unfortunately, the list goes on and on… So, I think there’s a lot of learning and unlearning that needs to happen and institutions such as this university can play an important role.

Dr. Julie Tomiak, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Panel Member, Campus Dialogue on TRC Calls to Action, Social Justice Week, October 5, 2015

Snapshot of the Indigenous Programs and Services at TMU

Toronto Metropolitan University is home to a small but vibrant Indigenous community that includes the Indigenous Education Council (IEC), Indigenous Student Services, the Chair and Centre of Indigenous Governance, as well as a number of other Indigenous initiatives. In May 2012, TMU and Indigenous Student Services were presented with the Eagle Staff, one of the highest forms of honour, for leadership within Indigenous learning and education. It recognizes the university’s effort to cultivate a strong, holistic support system for Indigenous learners and was designed especially for the university and Indigenous Student Services. The Eagle Staff is present at significant university events such as convocation and remembrance ceremonies.

TMU Indigenous Programs and Services

The following is a snapshot of the many Indigenous resources and programs that currently exist at TMU.

Indigenous Education Council (IEC)

In 2010 TMU established a University Advisory Council on Indigenous Issues and Education (Indigenous Education Council), which is committed to developing a new relationship of truth and reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Peoples at TMU and within the community at large. Through initiatives driven by Indigenous needs and values, the IEC works to ensure that the next generations of Indigenous Peoples have greater opportunities at TMU.

Gdoo-maawnjidimi Mompii Indigenous Student Services

Gdoo-maawnjidimi Mompii Indigenous Student Services (formerly RASS) was initiated in 1993 by Monica McKay (Nisga’a Nation) as an Indigenous Social Work student at TMU. Presently the office includes a staff team of six Indigenous Peoples who provide services and programs to students, staff and faculty at TMU using a holistic, responsive model of support.

Chair in Indigenous Governance and Centre for Indigenous Governance

The mandate of the chair is to conduct research and scholarship in relation to Indigenous law, governance and politics in a First Nations context. In addition, part of the chair’s work is to teach and develop curriculum at both the undergraduate and graduate levels on topics related to Indigenous governance. The associated Centre for Indigenous Governance builds capacity for Indigenous governance, advances research in governance issues, and increases educational opportunities for Indigenous students.

Indigenous Knowledges and Experiences Certificate Program

This certificate program provides a broad orientation to Indigenous experiences in Canada and how Indigenous Peoples have been impacted by laws, policies and practices in the health, social services, human resources and other sectors. Indigenous and non-Indigenous students have the opportunity to learn about Indigenous lived experiences through curriculum from Indigenous perspectives taught by Indigenous scholars and experienced community teachers.

Indigenous Human Resources Consultant

TMU’s Indigenous Human Resources Consultant is available to candidates thinking of applying for TMU positions, TMU employees who seek support settling in, and TMU leaders who wish to hire Indigenous employees.

Indigenous Student Association (ISA)

The ISA is a student-run group focusing on addressing the needs of TMU’s Indigenous students and widening the circle of understanding between the Indigenous community and the diverse cultural groups on campus.

First Nations, Metis, Inuit Community Group (FNMI)

The First Nations, Metis, Inuit Community Group (FNMI) is made up of faculty, staff and instructors who work at TMU. The group hosts scheduled events and activities during the year for members to meet each other, learn, share and support one another.

TMU & First Nations Technical Institute (FNTI) Partnerships

In partnership with the First Nations Technical Institute (FNTI), TMU offers two unique programs with the School of Social Work and the Department of Politics and Public Administration that are specifically designed to respond to the needs of Indigenous students and communities following in the traditional practice developed by FNTI.