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Student-led Initiatives

Discover and get involved with student-led Indigenous groups and initiatives at TMU.

Toronto Metropolitan Students' Union

BIPOC Students’ Collective

The BIPOC Students’ Collective, one of the Equity Service Centres run by the TMU Students’ Union (external link) , opposes all forms of racism and works towards community wellness for students at TMU. The Collective exists to promote “the empowerment, autonomy and freedom of racialized students, and to combat racism and xenophobia that is pervasive throughout society and our campus”.

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Indigenous Law Students' Association

Indigenous Law Students' Association

The Indigenous Law Student Association (ILSA) is located within the Lincoln Alexander School of Law at TMU. ILSA’s mandate is to provide support and resources as well as a culturally safe space and sense of community for Indigenous law students. 

Overall, the purpose of an Indigenous Law Student Association is to create a supportive and empowering environment for Indigenous law students, promote Indigenous legal perspectives, advocate for inclusivity and justice, and facilitate the professional development and success of its members.

Get in touch

  • Facebook: ilsa.lincolnlaw
Treaty Relations in Business Education

Treaty Relations in Business Education

Treaty Relations in Business Education (TRIBE) is a student-run group at TMU dedicated to fostering a warm and inclusive environment for Indigenous students. Created by Ted Rogers School of Management (TRSM) students, their mission is to welcome, support and inspire students from all backgrounds, including Indigenous and non-Indigenous, to work together towards business reconciliation. Each year, TRIBE hosts an enriching business conference at TRSM.

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Indigenous Student Association

Indigenous Student Association

The Indigenous Student Association (ISA) is a student-led group focused on connecting Indigenous students at TMU. They amplify Indigenous students’ presence on campus while building a community where we celebrate and embrace our diverse Indigenous cultures from across Turtle Island (North America).

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