Next Chapter

Our Next Chapter is TMU’s direct response to the 22 recommendations presented by the Standing Strong Task Force in August of 2021.
The report provides clear recommendations on how the university can move forward and write the next chapter in our history. The task force’s 22 recommendations include renaming the institution, sharing materials to recognize the legacy of the university’s former namesake, Egerton Ryerson, and providing more opportunities to learn about Indigenous history and Indigenous and colonial relations.
Visit the Next Chapter website to learn more about our new name, action plan and process, and to stay up to date on progress and efforts across campus to respond to the recommendations.
Standing Strong Task Force Report and Recommendations

Acknowledging the past, learning from the present, looking to the future
In fall 2020, TMU President Mohamed Lachemi established the Standing Strong Task Force to develop principles that will guide commemoration at the university, and to respond to the history and legacy of the university’s former namesake, Egerton Ryerson, within the context of the university’s values.
The (PDF file) Standing Strong Task Force Report and Recommendations: Acknowledging the past, learning from the present, looking to the future, captures the work of the Task Force from November 2020 to August 2021, including an in-depth historical research project and a two-month community engagement period.
The Task Force recommendations are aligned with the university’s commitment to being unapologetically bold, intentionally diverse and inclusive, dedicated to excellence, respectfully collaborative and a champion of sustainability.
- (PDF file) Appendix A: Task Force Terms of Reference
- (PDF file) Appendix B: What We Learned: Engagement Overview and Analysis Report
- (PDF file) Appendix C: External Scan
- (PDF file) Appendix D: Life and Legacy of Egerton Ryerson
- (PDF file) Appendix E: Resource List: Task Force reviewed documents, videos, podcasts and media publications