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Introducing the new Indigenous TMU website

May 28, 2024
Someone sitting using a laptop to browse a TMU website

We're excited to introduce our new Indigenous TMU website to the university community!

This website is your online hub for Indigenous-related resources, events, programs, initiatives and more at TMU. It was designed based on extensive input from across the university, with a strong focus on usability and accessibility. It directly responds to the 2018 Truth and Reconciliation Community Consultation Report which recommended that the university “... establish a specific Truth and Reconciliation website that provides information and resources for and between departments and students, to administration and outwards into the broader community.”

Explore updated content

We encourage you to spend time browsing the new site and learn more about:

Update your website URLs

This new site combines content from several different websites, including:

  • /indigenous-news
  • /indigenous-education-council 
  • /powwow

We kindly request that you update any URLs that direct to these websites to

Tell us what you think

We want to make sure that the Indigenous TMU website meets the needs of our community. We invite you to tell us what you think through the  (google form) feedback form (external link) .


This initiative was led by the TRC Strategic Working Group and the communications teams in the Office of the Vice-President, Equity and Community Inclusion and the Office of the Provost and Vice-President, Academic. Dozens of students, faculty, staff and teams played pivotal roles in content creation and development. We extend our heartfelt gratitude for their contributions!


If you have any questions, please contact the TRC Strategic Working Group project team through Rose Sandino, director, projects and operations, Office of the Provost and Vice-President, Academic at