This Year in Review- Highlights
The 2022/2023 was a reasonably productive year with some research achievements. However, COVID-19’s impact on
flexible work policy and protocols continues to have an negative impact on research productivity.
Specific progress included:
1) Somang Nam was hired as a postdoctoral fellow, and Christie Christelis, project coordinator, and their team
produced a final report on the "Understanding user perspectives of the speed/accuracy/delay trade-off for
captioning fast-paced media content" for the committee advisory members and other influential
2) Somang Nam (PhD) collaborated with us on a successful grant application with our industry partner, PAVO for
the Broadcast Accessibility Fund (BAF) and is also pursuing partnerships with other research labs.
3) Abidin Akkok, PhD candidate, returned from his leave in January 2022 but a fourth leave of absence was
rejected and he has left the program.
4) Hemanshu Bhargav (MASc) and Fathima Lakha (former postdoctoral fellow) continue to work a grant project
(MyHealthMyRecord in collaboration with Hadi Shojei at the Northern School of Medicine).
5) Tanzina Mahbub (MScM) completed her user-studies in the summer of 2021. Currently she is analyzing these
data and will defend her thesis in Fall 2023.
6) Mehnaz Aydemir successfully completed her first year in the Media Design and Innovation PhD Program at
Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU) and continues to work in our lab on the WebMoti Project.
7) Shazra Asmy successfully completed her first year in the MScM Program and works in our lab on the WebMoti
8) Amira Ghenai, Assistant Professor at Ted Rogers School of Management at TMU and IMDC member on the
WebMoti project went on maternity leave and is expected to return to work in Spring/Summer 2023.
9) Jenny Leung, MScM student, has successfully completed her third year of studies with us and is focusing her
thesis on the "Understanding user perspectives of the speed/accuracy/delay trade-off for captioning
fast-paced media content" funded project. Evan Hibbard, PhD, is her co-supervisor.
10) Tatyana Kumarasamy won the EDI, Access, & Mutual Respect Career Boost Award (Spring 2023).
All students are working on projects related to research funded by the various partners.
From a funding perspective, a number of external grant proposals were submitted. Awarded grants include eBound
(lead partner CNIB); LOI from The Chronic Pain Centre of Excellence for Canadian Veterans - proposal due in August
2023. Rejected proposals included: Veterans Affairs; Accessible Technology Program; and NSERC Alliance. One LOI for
and one proposal from NOSM was awarded. We will continue to apply for specific funding including an international
Alliance grant with an identified Japanese partner. We also anticipate that the Canadian Media Fund research funding
program and the Broadcast Accessibility Fund program will be re-started in 2024.
Publications were maintained at a reasonable level with two journal articles published, and four submitted. Six
conference papers were also accepted and presented at various conferences. D. Fels was awarded the prestigious
Roland Wagner award in Computer Science by the Austrian Computer Society. In addition two students associated
with the IMDC won TMU for EDI and The book that began in 2018/2019 remains under development but completion
is expected by the summer of 2023. All publications have student and collaboration partners as authors.
Fels was the Co-Chair of Young Researchers Consortium for ICCHP 2022. Fels participated in reviewing numerous
grant, journal and conference submissions including NSERC, SSHRC, Age-Well, Universal Access to the Information
Society (UAIS) Journal, CHI 2023, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies. She is also on the editorial board
for UAIS and has accepted a second editorial position for the JMIR Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies.
Finally, technology transfer/knowledge mobilization activities for the IMDC were very busy. Fels also continued to sit
on the Steering Committee for Understanding User Responses to Live Closed Captioning in Canada (since 2016). The
IMDC continued the development, in partnership with Mediac Inc., a Canadian captioning tool that incorporates
CEA708 functionalities into its modular design. Lastly, the IMDC is participating in efforts by the American Council for
the Blind in developing a certification process for audio describers; Dr. Fels continues in the role of co-chair of the
Body of Knowledge sub-committee and exam question developer. It is expected that the certification will be available
in 2025.
The impact of COVID-19 continues to have considerable impact on the activities of the IMDC, particularly in relation to
collaboration and flexibility in working conditions. Although there is an expectation that employees come to campus 5
days a week, for some employees, this remains unfeasible.
The momentum of the initiation of the Course Series has been stagnant for the 2022/2023 year. We are working with
Chang School's Michael Carter and Jessica Cammaert along with our industry contacts for a relaunch of the program in
fall 2023 or winter 2024 with some updated presentations to broadcasters (expected fall 2023) for greater
dissemination within the industry. For current information visit our course website at