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Student Print and Scanning
General Information
- Absolutely no food or drink in the labs. Fines are applicable and second offenses may result in your suspension from the facility.
- All of the stations in the lab, both printing and scanning, must be booked prior to use. Please do not start using a station until you have a confirmed reservation. Keep in mind that the email addresses are not monitored after-hours or on weekends - ensure you allow sufficient time for a response when requesting a reservation.
- Your reservation will be held for 30 minutes, after which time your reservation will be cancelled. With this in mind; however, if you are running late, please let us know and we will hold your reservation for a longer time, within reason.
- If you finish early, please let us know so we can put the station back into inventory.
- Reservations are for one student per station - not for groups. Also, reservations are not transferable.
- To use an Imacon scanner, you must first have a tutorial.
- It is possible for you to supply your own paper but it must first be cleared by Michelle or Jane for use. Please obtain clearance before purchasing as paper can be costly.
- Payment is made via your OneCard and funds must be loaded into the Campus Fund account.
- Please do not adjust the brightness of the computer screens. These screens have been calibrated to a specific luminance and any change will void this calibration. In the event that you find your screen to be too bright or too dark, please let us know so that we can re-calibrate the screen.
- Keep in mind that the lab is a workspace and not a gathering space.