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Jovelee Santos Herrera - Student Facilitator

Jovelee is a recent graduate from the Politics and Governance program at Toronto Metropolitan University. Her academic interests focus on understanding the institutional and policy implications on the plight of impoverished and immigrant group on the domestic and international scales. Throughout her undergraduate career, Jovelee has been involved with various groups and programs on campus. She has worked as a Student Leadership Assistant for TMU Leadership, participated in the Tri-Mentoring Program, and volunteered as an Education and Outreach Associate for TMU SMASH (Students for Mental Awareness, Support and Health). Jovelee views education, both formal and self-directed, as a key component of self-empowerment. Her work and volunteer experience as a tutor is a testament to her passion for helping others learn. Jovelee is eager to help Institute for Future Legislator participants employ their strengths, build their confidence, and apply their knowledge of government and politics for an inspiring and educational experience.