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Event Recordings

Compass: Tom Griffin & Walter Jamieson, The Main Street Project

World Tourism Day 2022 featuring Dr. Daniel Scott, Research Chair and Professor at University of Waterloo; and Shannon Guihan, Chief Sustainability Officer & Head of TreadRight at The Travel Corporation.

Compass: Kelly Galaski, Sustainable Tourism Specialist, The Travel Foundation

Compass: Dr. Edward Huijbens

Compass: Dr. Kelley A. McClinchey

Compass: Dr. Ulrike Gretzel

Compass: Dr. Anne Hardy

Compass: Dr. Michael Lück

Compass: Omar McDadi

World Tourism Day 2021

Compass: Dr. Frederic Dimanche & Dr. Louis-Etienne Dubois

Compass: Dr. Xavier Font

World Tourism Day 2020 featured Leigh Barnes, the Chief Customer Officer for Intrepid Travel.

Compass: Dr. Joseph M. Cheer

Compass: Dr. Daniel Scott

Compass: Dr. Danielle Barbe

Towards Tourism Recovery

Compass: Dr. Geoffrey Wall