Math Modeling of Human Performance

Dual-Resource Constrained (DRC) systems, consisting of workers and machines resources, have become common in manufacturing and service firms since they benefit from worker flexibility and offer shorter production times with lower costs. However, the behaviour of such systems is affected by workers’ learning-forgetting and fatigue-recovery during the work and rest cycles. This research investigates the effects of workers’ fatigue and learning states on the throughput of the system and the quality of products. Results indicate considering workers’ capability in performing jobs is vital in designing manufacturing systems. They also suggest that production system models ignoring human performance factors will result in unrealistic production planning and erroneous cost estimation.
Associated Research Themes:
- Indicator Tools & Methods
- Simulation and Virtual Modelling
Associated Papers and Publications:
- Investigating Work-Related Ill Health Effects in Optimizing the Performance of Manufacturing Systems
(external link) - Conference Proceeding: Evaluating work-related health problem effects in minimizing the total manufacturing cost of an assembly system
(external link) - Conference Proceeding: Forecasting production economics using ergonomic data (external link)
- Incorporating human fatigue and recovery into the learning–forgetting process (external link)
- Modelling worker fatigue and recovery in dual resource constrained systems (external link)