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John McCullough

John McCullough

Technology in Practice
DepartmentCinema & Media Arts (York)
Areas of ExpertiseNorth American film and television; media labour and globalization; representation of spatial, class and racial relations

John McCullough’s primary area of research is popular North American film and television. He teaches and does critical analyses of media representations of social and power relations; historical studies of media institutions and enterprises; and critical studies of media labour and spatial practices. He has published a monograph on the tv series 24 and co-edited Locating Migrating Media. He has published work in The Socialist Register, Cinema Journal, Space and Culture, The Canadian Journal of Film Studies, and CineAction.

Sample of supervised ComCult projects:

2020 - Nicole Payette; Major Research Paper: The Cinematic Subterranean: Investigating the Cultural Significance of the Underground Through Film

2017 - Sujana Alahari; Major Research Paper: Online Public Shaming and Judicial Law

2017 - Ivona Jozinovic; Project-Paper: Untranslatables

2013 - Trevor Cunnington; Dissertation: Schadenfreude, Villainy, and Empathy: The Ideological Repercussions of Media Representations of "White Trash"