John McCullough
John McCullough’s primary area of research is popular North American film and television. He teaches and does critical analyses of media representations of social and power relations; historical studies of media institutions and enterprises; and critical studies of media labour and spatial practices. He has published a monograph on the tv series 24 and co-edited Locating Migrating Media. He has published work in The Socialist Register, Cinema Journal, Space and Culture, The Canadian Journal of Film Studies, and CineAction.
Sample of supervised ComCult projects:
2020 - Nicole Payette; Major Research Paper: The Cinematic Subterranean: Investigating the Cultural Significance of the Underground Through Film
2017 - Sujana Alahari; Major Research Paper: Online Public Shaming and Judicial Law
2017 - Ivona Jozinovic; Project-Paper: Untranslatables
2013 - Trevor Cunnington; Dissertation: Schadenfreude, Villainy, and Empathy: The Ideological Repercussions of Media Representations of "White Trash"