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Double alumna reflects on graduate journey

Mahta Jan looks back on her TMU experience and shares advice for grad students
By: Andy Lee
June 03, 2024
Molecular Science PhD student Mahta Jan

Two-time alumna Mahta Jan says the skills gained at TMU were instrumental in shaping her career trajectory.

After completing both her bachelor’s and master’s degrees at TMU, Mahta Jan is currently pursuing her PhD in molecular genetics at the University of Toronto. Jan’s doctoral research focuses on the underlying mechanisms of Adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD), a genetic disorder that affects the brain and adrenal glands.

“My ALD research is inspired by the desire to make a tangible difference in the lives of individuals affected by rare genetic diseases,” said Jan. “Each discovery brings hope for a brighter future, further motivating me to push the boundaries of scientific understanding and discovery.”

Through her research, Jan aims to uncover universal mechanisms of other demyelinating disorders, such as multiple sclerosis. “My research in phenotypic heterogeneity is important because many diseases exhibit a wide range of clinical presentations. Therefore, dissecting the sources of phenotypic variation will aid in disease subtyping, predicting disease progression and designing personalized therapeutics for improved outcomes.”

Why did you choose TMU for both your undergraduate and graduate studies?

I chose TMU for both my undergraduate and graduate studies due to its vibrant and collaborative research environment. The opportunity to work with experts in the field and access incredible facilities greatly appealed to me. Staying in Toronto allowed me to stay close to family and friends while still having the opportunity to meet many incredible people.

What skills gained at TMU have helped you most in your career?

The skills gained at TMU, particularly in experimental design, image and data analysis, and critical thinking, have been instrumental in shaping my career trajectory. Coming straight from undergrad, I leveraged the information I learned from the courses and labs that I partook in over the past four years to help me be successful in my graduate studies.

"I am forever grateful for the support and opportunities provided by TMU and excited about the possibilities that lie ahead in my research and academic career! I definitely would not be where I am today without those experiences."

Mahta Jan, Biomedical Science bachelor's and Molecular Science master's alumna

How did your TMU graduate education prepare you to be career-ready?

My TMU graduate education provided me with a comprehensive foundation in molecular biology and research methodologies, as well as valuable hands-on experience in laboratory settings. I also had the incredible opportunity to TA for two of my favourite courses, Genetics (BLG 400) and Human Genetics (BMS 500). This experience equipped me with the necessary knowledge, skills and practical insights to thrive in both the scientific and academic communities.

I am forever grateful for the support and opportunities provided by TMU and excited about the possibilities that lie ahead in my research and academic career! I definitely would not be where I am today without those experiences.

What advice do you have for graduate students?

Find something that brings passion, interest and a greater meaning to it. Find and maintain a passion for your research, stay curious and embrace challenges as opportunities for growth. “Fall down six times, get up seven” is a quote I actively remind myself of. Seek out mentorship, collaborate with peers, network and prioritize self-care to maintain a healthy work-life balance throughout your academic journey.

Seize every opportunity that comes your way, even if it seems outside of your immediate academic focus. Whether it's attending conferences, participating in workshops or volunteering for outreach activities, each experience offers the chance to expand your skill set, broaden your network, and uncover unexpected avenues for growth and advancement. By taking molecular biology labs in my undergrad, I found a passion for scientific experimentations and discovery. By attending 1:1 office hours with professors, I created meaningful relationships with experts in the field that helped further my career. By volunteering at the Odette Cancer Centre at Sunnybrook Hospital, I realized I want to pursue meaningful research in my career.

Also, always keep an open mind—you never know where opportunities may lead or what valuable insights and connections they may provide for your future career!