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Tuition and fees: Realize your future with TMU Graduate Studies

Tuition and fees are determined by the program and academic level in which you are pursuing your graduate studies. Total fees for each program and academic level include charges for tuition, athletics, Toronto Metropolitan Students’ Union (TMSU), TMSU health and dental plans, and other related fees.

>> Detailed graduate tuition and fee information.

Below is further information to help you address any questions or concerns related to the billing and payment of tuition and fees at Toronto Met.

Secure Your Spot: Deposit Fees

On acceptance into a graduate program, you must pay a deposit in order to reserve a space in your program. Your Offer of Admission will state the required amount and the deadline date for submission of your deposit with your acceptance form. We regret that TMU will not defer deposit or fees payments, even if you are expecting future funds/funding of any type for your graduate studies, including financial assistance programs.

Your deposit fee is non-refundable and will be applied to your tuition fees. It also activates your registration in your program. If you change your mind at a later date, you must officially withdraw from the program or you will be responsible for any tuition or late fees due, as outlined on our Important Dates page.

>> How to make your deposit.

Tuition Fees

Tuition is calculated on the basis of your program and status (part- or full-time), NOT on the number of courses that you take per term (except for the Nursing and Ted Rogers MBA programs). Your tuition is a YEARLY charge, which is broken into three equivalent payments for the three terms in a graduate academic calendar.

>> Detailed fees information by program

Note that information for the upcoming academic year is usually revised in mid-August.

Continuous Registration Requirement

You are required to maintain continuous registration in every semester of your graduate program until graduation or withdrawal, unless you have applied for and been granted inactive status. To seek inactive status (in cases of severe illness, parental leave, etc.), you must petition the Dean, Graduate Studies. For further information, consult the  (PDF file) Graduate Admissions and Studies Policy.

Balance of Degree Fees

The length of a program is defined by the graduate program into which a student is admitted. This predetermines the minimum total academic fees that a student must pay prior to graduation.

Part-time Master’s students should be aware that they may be required to pay additional academic fees in order to equal the total minimum fee paid by a full-time student in the same program. The total minimum fee for a full-time student is based on the minimum time to completion for the program, as stated on the chart below and on the program website. This balance of degree fee is assessed just prior to graduation and is based on the fees schedule in effect at the time of graduation. 

Program Min time (terms)  to completion:
Full-time students Part-time students
Aerospace Engineering 3
Applied Mathematics 6
Architecture 6
Biomedical Physics 6
Building Science MASc 6
Building Science MBSc 3
Chemical Engineering 3
Civil Engineering 3
Communication and Culture 4
Computer Networks 3
Computer Networks MEng n/a (course-based fees)
Computer Science 3 n/a
Data Science and Analytics 1 6
Digital Media 3 n/a
Documentary Media 6 n/a
Early Childhood Studies 3 6
Electrical and Computer Engineering 3 6
Environmental App Sci. & Mgmt. 5 10
Fashion 5
Immigration and Settlement Studies 3 6
International Economics & Finance 3 6
Journalism 6 12
Journalism - Accelerated 3 6
Literature of Modernity 3 n/a
Master of Science in Management 3 6
MBA n/a (course-based fees)
Mechanical Engineering 3 6
Media Production 3 n/a
MTI MBA n/a (course-based fees)
Molecular Science 6 12
Nursing n/a (course-based fees)
Nutrition Communication 3 n/a
Photo. Pres & Collect. Mgmt 6 n/a
Psychology 6 n/a
Professional Communication 3 n/a
Public Policy & Administration 3 6
Social Work 3 n/a
Spatial Analysis 3 6
Urban Development 5 n/a
Urban Development - Accelerated 3 n/a

How to Make a Payment

Various payment methods are available.

Finding Support

If you have been offered a scholarship, stipend, research or academic assistantship, you will be notified in writing by your program of the amount and the method of distribution of funds, either with your Offer of Admission or soon afterwards. Please note that your fees statement will not reflect this funding support. If your Offer of Admission is withdrawn or cancelled at any time, or if you withdraw from your program, any offers of Toronto Metropolitan University funding are null and void.

For further information on the terms and conditions of scholarships and other funding, please visit the Funding section.