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Form responders can now save their progress in Google Forms

By: Computing and Communications Services (CCS)
September 08, 2021

Autosave your progress when responding in Google Forms

When responding to a Google Form or quiz in Google Forms while signed into your Google account, your progress will automatically be saved as a draft for 30 days from your last edit, or until your submission is complete.

Form owners and editors can disable autosave in Google Forms.

Form owners and editors can disable this feature for responders to a specific form. You may want to disable the feature on forms that are:

  • Used for repeated data entry,
  • Embedded in websites,
  • On certain shared devices, such as registration or information kiosks.

To disable this feature, within Google Forms, go to Settings > Presentation > Restrictions and select “Disable autosave for all respondents”.

For support on how to use autosave as a form respondent, please visit this Google Docs support page (external link) .

For support on how to use autosave as a form owner or editor, please visit this Google Docs support page (external link) .