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The Honourable Vim Kochhar Runs for Students with Disabilities

March 02, 2017
Vim Kochhar poses under the Start/Finish line banner with smiling family and friends

Vim Kochhar with family and friends at the Achilles 18th Annual St. Patrick’s Day 5k Run/Walk finish line.

The Honourable Vim Kochhar is a longtime advocate for Canadians with disabilities. And this past March, starting with $50,000 from the Canadian Foundation for Physically Disabled Persons (CFPDP), Kochhar took the lead on a special charity run to support scholarships for students with disabilities at Ryerson.

At 80 years young, flanked by friends and family members wearing team shirts touting “Run Vim Run,” Kochhar raced in the Achilles 18th Annual St. Patrick’s Day 5k Run/Walk in the heart of downtown Toronto. To date, his efforts have raised nearly $105,000, with generous donations from Sabi Marwah, Scotiabank, ICICI Bank, the Waugh Family Foundation, Laura Dottori-Attanasio, and many others.

To support the Honourable Vim Kochhar’s efforts, please visit the Ryerson Fund for Students with Disabilities (external link)  giving page today.