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Rodney Bisnath Promoted to Senior Manager, Data & Insights at COMMB

March 16, 2021
Portrait photo of Ryerson Geography alum Rodney Bisnath

Congratulations to Rodney Bisnath on being promoted to Senior Manager for Data & Insights at the Canadian Out of Home Marketing and Measurement Bureau. Rodney graduated from the BA in Geographic Analysis in 2013. His student internship was with CBS Outdoor, now Outfront Media, a large outdoor media company operating billboards and transit displays. Based on the research methods and tools studied in his Geography classes at Ryerson, Rodney practiced geodemographic analysis, spatial queries and data mapping, and the validation and maintenance of large databases on his placement.

This experience helped him secure his first fulltime job as GIS/Database Administrator with COMMB, the umbrella organization of the outdoor advertising industry in Canada. They develop and verify methods and tools to measure audiences of outdoor displays to support planning, marketing, and regulations around advertising. Within COMMB, Rodney advanced through positions as Research Analyst and Research Database Manager to become Senior Manager for Data & Insights this month.