
You will receive your grades (opens in new window) and Academic Standing at the end of each term. Approximately 10 days after the end of the Examination Period, all final grades and Academic Standings will be available on MyServiceHub. In the ‘Academic Record’ section, you can view your grades at ‘My Grades’ and your Academic Standing at ‘My Academic Standing’.
Toronto Metropolitan University recognizes your right to privacy. Your academic record and personal information are considered confidential and will not be given to anyone, other than authorized personnel, without your written permission. The same confidentiality rule is observed for faculty/ instructors. You will be provided with telephone numbers/e-mail addresses so that you can contact your instructors; however, our office will not give out any information that is not already listed on course outlines.

Letter Grade | Percentage | TMU GPA |
A+ | 90-100 | 4.33 |
A | 85-89 | 4.00 |
A- | 80-84 | 3.67 |
B+ | 77-79 | 3.33 |
B | 73-76 | 3.00 |
B- | 70-72 | 2.67 |
C+ | 67-69 | 2.33 |
C | 63-66 | 2.00 |
C- | 60-62 | 1.67 |
D+ | 57-59 | 1.33 |
D | 53-56 | 1.00 |
D- | 50-52 | .67 |
F | 0-49 | 0 |
Non-Graded Designations
A credit granted by a Dean, in consultation with the instructor, only under exceptional circumstances (normally, an illness) when there has been acceptable performance in a course and some coursework remains to be completed.
Transfer credit achieved through an acceptable grade in an equivalent course (as determined by the Toronto Metropolitan University course teaching Department) completed at Toronto Metropolitan University or at another post-secondary institution. Such credit may be granted as a part of the admissions process. For students already enrolled in their program, this type of credit is normally granted only on the basis of a prior letter-of-permission from the course teaching Department.
Awarded by an instructor when the student has been absent from most course meetings and has submitted no work for grading. This grade is assigned when a student abandons a course without completing a formal withdrawal prior to the established deadline dates. This grade is counted as a failure in the calculation of grade point average.
A marginally failing performance that may be raised to a “D-” through a redeemable failure examination. Students with an FS designation must apply to write the redeemable failure examination which would be scheduled before the end of the second week of classes during the next academic term.
Incomplete coursework or a missed final examination due to documented medical or compassionate grounds. An INC can be awarded only when some work remains to be completed and when the completion of the outstanding work or an alternate final examination may result in a passing grade. An INC will be assigned to students who have not completed a required Academic Integrity Quiz. An INC will lapse to an F after three months.
Acceptable performance in a course graded only as pass or fail (as pre-defined in the course outline). BME100 will appear as PSD once the requirements have been met.
Grade Point Average (GPA)
Your performance in a particular term is measured by Term Grade Point Average, which is a weighted average of the grades secured in all the courses taken in a term. Your TGPA is calculated at the end of each academic term. It is calculated as described below, using all the courses completed during the term.
TGPA = Total Grade Points Achieved in a Term / Total Course Weights in Term
Your CGPA is calculated at the end of each academic term for which additional course grades have been recorded on your transcript, and is calculated on all of your formal Toronto Metropolitan University course grades in the program in which you are registered. CGPA is calculated as an indicator of overall academic performance and is used as a criterion for graduation requirements, academic awards and distinctions, and determining academic standing during study in a program.
CGPA = sum of: GPA weights * earned Grade Point / Sum of the GPA weights
Your PGPA is calculated at the end of each academic term as an indicator of your overall academic performance and is used as a criterion for graduation.
The PGPA is similar to CGPA except only courses that fulfill graduation requirements for your chosen program are included in this calculation.
Courses not included in the calculation are shown under Non-applicable Courses on the Advisement Report.
- Examples of these are:
- Non-program courses
- Extra courses
- Failed courses
A GPA Adjustment Request form allows you to request a course replacement or course exclusion in order to improve your CGPA. An adjustment is subject to Senate Policy #170(A) . Only liberal courses can be requested for a GPA adjustment.
Only the CGPA calculated after the term to which you are applying the adjustment will be considered for adjustment. You must request a GPA adjustment by the deadline during the term in which you are taking the course. See the current Undergraduate Calendar for the deadline to submit your GPA Adjustment Request Form. Academic Standings and CGPAs from previous terms will not be considered or adjusted.
A GPA adjustment may occur under one of the following conditions:
- Course Replacements
Permits you to use a currently-enrolled course to replace, for GPA purposes only, a previously graded Liberal Studies course. Both courses must belong to the same group or table. TMU will not automatically know that the second course is meant to act as an adjustment unless you submit the GPA Adjustment Request Form. The GPA Adjustment Form must be submitted in person at the Service-Hub (POD-150) Document Counter. There is no fee for requesting a GPA adjustment. - Course Exclusions
Permits you to request that a certain course be excluded from your CGPA calculation. For example, if a course is a general- interest course that is not applicable to your program of study; OR if the course is an extra course that was taken after having completed your program requirements for that table or group. Use your advisement report available in MyServiceHub to confirm that the course is not applicable or is not being used towards to your program requirements. It is advisable you consult with Dr. Amleh to discuss how this will affect your GPA and academic standing.
Take the earned grade points for each course (except for first attempts at repeated courses) and multiply each by its GPA weight (e.g. a “C” in a course with a GPA weight of 1.00 is 2.00, a “C” in a course with a weight of 2.00 is 4.00.) Add the products.
- Add together the GPA weight for each of the courses taken, except for first attempts of repeated courses.
- Divide the result from (1) by the result from (2). The result is the CGPA.
AEG, AUD, CNC, CHG, CRT, DEF, INC, INP, GNR, FLD and PSD are NOT included in calculating the grade point average.
• F-S is counted as an interim failure and included in the grade point average at zero grade points until a final grade is assigned.
• FNA is included in the grade point average at zero grade points and counts as a failure when academic standings are assigned.
• The grade earned for a repeated course is substituted for the previous grade in calculating subsequent grade point averages even if the later grade is lower and both attempts are recorded on the transcript. No course can be repeated more than twice. If at least one of the course attempts results in a passing grade, the course will count towards graduation requirements irrespective of the sequence of grades earned.
• An initial grade point average is not calculated until the student has received three or more course grades.