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Fashion at Ryerson Offers First Non-Binary Design Course

Mic. Carter, a Genderqueer Fashion Designer is teaching, Non-Binary Fashion Design
February 01, 2019
Mic. Carter, a genderqueer fashion designer, Fashion lecturer and founder of feminine non-binary label fiercely posing in non-binary black and grey clothing.

Mic. Carter, a genderqueer fashion designer, currently engaged in cultivating a feminine non-binary label called L’Uomo Strano is teaching Fashion at Ryerson and The Creative School’s first ever course on Non-Binary Fashion. The students currently enrolled are exploring the multiplicitous definitions and potentialities of Non-Binary Fashion, trans-temporally and trans-spatially.

L’Uomo Strano is an abstractly Afro-futuristic sartorial experiment found at the intersection of racial, gender and economic precarities. In addition to design, Carter is a full-time grade four teacher at a small, progressive elementary school in Little Portugal. Carter finds the energy, curiosity and collaboration that is central to any transformative pedagogical environment to be a refreshing catalyst for the work that they do with L’Uomo Strano; these two concurrent careers really do complement and enrich each other. Carter is excited about “SO! MANY! THINGS! that they’re teaching this course.

Carter feels encouraged and emboldened by the critical lens through which a number of next generation fashion creatives are processing the world and communicating their vision for more equitable possibilities through increasingly egalitarian forms of media. Carter hopes that this worked, framed by intersectionality and other queer models of social address can continue to  effectively and beautifully fuse fashion, activism and industry.