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Forms for TFA Faculty Members, Librarians and Counsellors

Process for Distributing and Utilizing the “Rights and Obligations of Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU) Committee Members” Confidentiality Form

As Chair of your respective search or selection committee, one of your initial administrative duties will be reviewing the “Rights and Obligations of Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU) Committee Members” Form with your respective committee members.

The following process is recommended:

  • Distribute the form at your first meeting and indicate that it is an important document that the members should read a nd review. The content is fairly self-explanatory, however, some individuals may have questions. If you need assistance answering the questions being posed, contact the Human Resources Management Consultant for your respective Faculty, School/Department or Unit for assistance. For more information, visit AskHR.
  • Members of the committee are expected to sign the Form and return it to you. Please keep the returned Forms in the Committee File that is being maintained.
  • If a member indicates that they are agreeable to the content of the Form, but is unwilling to sign the Form, please make a note in the Minutes of the Committee of that member’s (or those members’) confirmation of their agreement to adhere to the provisions contained in the Form.
  • If a committee member indicates that they cannot adhere to the provisions contained in the Form, please contact your Human Resources Management Consultant for advice on how to address such situations.

Thank you for your contribution and participation as Chair of your respective committee.

TFA Collective Agreement, Memorandum of Understanding 9 - FORMAT OF CURRICULUM VITAE

In Article 5, the parties have agreed that where members have an obligation to provide a curriculum vitae, they will do so in approved University format. The approved University format includes the following:

  • the OCGS format, modified to cover the member’s entire professional career, and may include any other appropriate material. The format is made available to members online.
  • The Canadian Common (CCV)
  • Any other curriculum vitae format OCGS and CCV format.

 (word file) Curriculum Vitae (CV) in the OCGS Format Template

Content Clarification

PLEASE NOTE: The OCGS CV format is being provided by the University pending the University and the Faculty Association concluding discussions on an "approved University format" for CV's as provided for in Memorandum of Understanding #10 (p. 275) of the collective agreement. You may utilize an NSERC or other format of CV that provides similar information as contained in this OCGS version.

The information in OCGS Curriculum Vitae should be presented in a descending chronological order.

Before you start working on your CV, please pay attention at some clarifications pertaining to the following CV questions:

a)    NAME:  Use dropdown menus for “Rank” and “Status” fields.

b)    EMPLOYMENT HISTORY:  This should include current full-time position.

c)    SCHOLARLY AND PROFESSIONAL ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES:  e.g., executive and editorial positions but not memberships; invited presentations at national or international conferences. Please do not list manuscript and grant application reviews.

d)    GRADUATE SUPERVISIONS:  Provide a list of the theses or projects supervised (not participation on supervisory committees)

e)    PUBLICATIONS: Details (same categories as above), in chronological order. Please give full citation, including page numbers for books, chapters and journal articles and names of authors in the order in which they appear on the publication.

Note: For some faculty members (e.g., in the performing arts) it may be more appropriate to list exhibitions/performances, by year, indicating the nature of the exhibition/performance (e.g., juried; local/national/international; public/competition; and so forth)