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How to Safely View the Solar Eclipse

April 04, 2024

With Toronto experiencing a near total eclipse on Monday, April 8, we’re sharing guidance on how to safely view the eclipse.

Never, ever look directly at the sun without proper equipment! You can risk permanent eye damage. Instead, try using one of these options below.

Wear Solar Eclipse Glasses. One of the best ways to view the solar eclipse directly is with dedicated solar eclipse glasses. These glasses have a special film on them to reduce the intensity of the sun, allowing you to safely view the eclipse. Beware of knockoff eclipse glasses. Glasses should be “ISO 12312-2:2015” rated to be considered safe.

If you work outdoors during the eclipse, you don’t need to use Solar Eclipse Glasses but should avoid looking directly at the sun.  

We have a small supply of glasses for employees. If you would like a pair of glasses for viewing, please visit the Facilities Help Desk (Fixit) while supplies last!