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D2L eLearning Instructions

Toronto Metropolitan University’s Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) unit offers a variety of online training opportunities, also known as D2L eLearning modules. The following provides a step-by-step guide on how to access the content.

Step 1: Sign up for your Learner Profile

Log into with your TMU ID and submit a  (google form) Learner Profile Form (external link) . Select the appropriate courses you’d like to enroll in.

The information you provide will be used to enroll you in the course. Once the form is successfully submitted, enrollment can proceed. Within 48 hours, you will receive an email notification confirming your enrollment and access to the online system.

Gmail users: Please note that if you are logged into a non-TMU Google account, you will not be able to access the form. Logout from your non-TMU Google account, or use a web browser that you do not use for Google.

If you do not have a TMU ID

Those without a TMU ID will have to ask their TMU supervisor to follow these steps to grant them guest access:

  1. Log in to
  2. Find the box titled "Manage My Online Resources."
  3. Click on "Manage My Online Resources: Self-serve password change and resource requests."
  4. Click on "Guest User ID Request Form."
  5. Fill in the required information about the guest, sponsor/contact and dean, chair or director (who will be responsible for providing final approval).
  6. Submit the information.

Step 2: Access and complete the training

To access the online eLearning modules, please follow these steps:

1. Log into and click on “Your courses in D2L Brightspace.”

Your courses in D2L Brightspace link is located under the Online Courses and Organizations heading.

2. Click on the corresponding safety course that you are enrolled in to continue.

3. Click “Content” to advance to the training overview.

Content link is located in the top navigation area.

4. Follow the instructions and complete the online module(s), which includes a quiz at the end. The table of contents will be listed in the left column.

Complete the modules under Environmental Health and Safety Awareness..

5. You can choose to stop and start at any time. You will receive a certificate within 48 hours of successful completion of the training.


For technical questions or assistance with troubleshooting D2L, please contact the Computing and Communications Services (CCS) Faculty and Staff Help Desk at or 416-979-5000, ext. 556806.

For questions regarding the content of the eLearning or the legislative requirement to complete this training, please contact Environmental Health and Safety at or 416-979-5000, ext. 553770.