Assessing the use of explanatory journalistic texts for crisis communication education during the COVID-19 pandemic (external link)
Sibo Chen | Communication Teacher | July 3, 2022
Algorithmic Deconstruction to Give Back Control to Readers and Consumers of Media
Robert Clapperton | The Journal of Media Literacy | Expected June 2022
Reporting in a Time of Crisis: Progressive Alternative Media’s Coverage of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Canada (external link)
Sibo Chen | Journalism Practice | June 23, 2022
#StopAsianHate: Understanding the Global Rise of Anti-Asian Racism from a Transcultural Communication Perspective (external link)
Sibo Chen & Cary Wu (York University) | Journal of Transcultural Communication | November 12, 2021
The article is developed from an earlier commentary published at the Conversation
The rise of Blockadia as a global anti-extractivism movement (Opinion Piece) (external link)
Sibo Chen | Local Environment | August 12, 2021
Calls for ‘ethical oil’ are pushing Canada to become a petro-state (external link)
Sibo Chen | The Conversation | May 31, 2022
Bottom-up, audience-driven and shut down: How HuffPost Canada left its mark on Canadian media (external link)
Nicole Blanchett | The Conversation | March 2022
La mejora de la reputación de las grandes farmacéuticas durante la pandemia podría resultar efímera (external link)
Sibo Chen | The Conversation | February 21, 2022
What China’s plans to decarbonize its economy mean for Canada’s energy exports (external link)
Sibo Chen | The Conversation | December 7, 2021
L’industrie pharmaceutique peut-elle vraiment restaurer sa réputation avec la pandémie ? (external link)
Sibo Chen | The Conversation | December 7, 2021
The anti-vax movement is being radicalized by far-right political extremism (external link)
Sibo Chen | The Conversation | September 19, 2021
Ryerson’s reputational crisis: What to do about its namesake and his legacy (external link)
Sibo Chen | The Conversation | August 2, 2021
Big Pharma’s COVID-19 reputation boost may not last — here’s why (external link)
Sibo Chen | The Conversation | July 14, 2021
Why Alberta must rethink its ban on Canada-China university collaborations (external link)
Sibo Chen, Henry Yu, & John Price | The Conversation |June 23, 2021
Public health officials are failing to communicate effectively about AstraZeneca (external link)
Sibo Chen | The Conversation | May 12, 2021
As Asian Canadian scholars, we must #StopAsianHate by fighting all forms of racism (external link)
Sibo Chen | The Conversation | April 15, 2021
‘Blockadia’ helped cancel the Keystone XL pipeline — and could change mainstream environmentalism (external link)
Sibo Chen | The Conversation | March 10, 2021
Biden’s stance against fossil fuels didn’t turn away voters in Pennsylvania and other key states (external link)
Sibo Chen | The Conversation | November 9, 2020
Is Journalism a Profession? Let the Debate (Finally) Begin
Nicole Blanchett | Panelist | Canadian Communication Association Conference | May 17, 2022
How HuffPost Canada left its mark on Canadian media (external link)
Nicole Blanchett | The Mike Farwell Show | March 21, 2022

The Explanatory Journalism Project is supported in part by funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.