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Current Students

Milestone Information

Planning Your Courses

The Environmental Applied Science and Management Program has created a Google Shared Drive where students may find orientation resources. Students will be given access to this folder once they are matriculated into the program. You can find information about onboarding, awards and funding, Research and Ethics Board, proposal information etc. in this folder. 

Before open enrolment for the new academic year in August: Review the curriculum requirements for your program. 

Current Course Offerings can be found by going to the EnSciMan course offering page.

  • ES8901 and ES8930 (MASc specific) are typically offered once each academic year. 
  • ES8920 and ES8921 Students, who have completed both ES8920 and ES8921, may use one of these two course credits as a master’s required course credit and the other course as a Group B elective credit.
  • ES8930 Seminar (MASC specific) – This is a MASc required course and is offered once per academic year.
  • ES9001 and ES9002 (PhD specific) are two required courses for the EnSciMan PhD program and are offered every-year. 
  • Elective Groups A, B and C courses: As a general rule, electives are offered every other academic year on a rotating basis. The program reserves the right of changing the elective course offering pattern due to unforeseeable circumstances.
  • Independent Study Courses (Group C): Students must submit a proposal form approved from their supervisor along with a course substitution form in order to be registered in the above courses. These forms must be processed prior to the last date to enrol in courses for the term.
  • GD1000 is a ‘place-holder’ course.  All graduate students are enrolled in GD1000 in every term while they are actively studying in a graduate program.  It is not a real course; there is no credit or grade attached to GD1000.

New students are encouraged to spend time reviewing the MyServiceHub Support “How To Enrol” before the system is open for online course enrollment in August. New students must be ‘matriculated’ successfully by the Graduate Studies Admissions before open enrolment in order to self enrol in any courses. Other important links about using MyServiceHub include:  

Enrolling and dropping Courses:

  • Ensciman students are guaranteed enrollment to "ES" (EnSciMan) courses.  Students are strongly encouraged to self-enrol in courses as soon as the self-enrollment period starts. Guaranteed enrolment to ES courses will end once open enrolment starts for all non-esciman program graduate students (subject to space availability until the last day to add a course for the term).
  • Students are responsible academically for the enrolled/registered courses.  If you are not going to attend or complete any of the registered courses, you must drop the course online before the last date to drop a course in good academic standing in a term. See  Significant Dates for exact deadlines. 
  • A FNA grade (failure due to non-attendance) will be assigned in the end of the term if a student stops going to classes and does not formally drop the course registration.  FNA with zero grade point will be included in the cumulative GPA calculation thus will pull down the student CGPA significantly.
  • Course Selection: Students should always inform the faculty supervisor their course selections as well as any course registration changes later. Full-time students may enrol in any number of courses (two to three courses is recommended). Students should seek course selection advice from their supervsior to properly balance the time between classes and research activities.  Part-time students may enrol in up to a maximum of 2 courses in a term. 
  • ES Group A & B courses are typically offered in the Fall or Winter term only. Students will participate in research related activities in the term(s) when they are not attending classes. However, there may be other graduate course eligible for course substitution. Please speak to your supervisor and the graduate program administrator about course substitution.
  • Part-time master’s students should anticipate that they may need to take courses before 6 p.m. in some of the terms in which there is not any suitable evening course option.
  • Course Auditing: A graduate student, while paying program fees, may audit the equivalent of two one-credit courses in any graduate or undergraduate program at the University without additional fees. Courses taken for audit will not count for credit toward the student’s graduation requirements, but will appear on the student’s transcript with the designation “AUD” in lieu of a grade.  For more information, please see the Course Audit form and speak to the Graduate Program Administrator and your Supervisor.

D2L Brightspace is an online learning management system which a course instructor may or may not use in course delivery.  Students should not assume all the courses they are enrolled in have D2L access.  The course instructor will inform the class whether or not D2L is used.  Students should note that it may take up to 72 hours after course enrollment for the system to give access to course materials in D2L.  For D2L technical assistance, visit:

Full-time and part-time graduate students are required to maintain continuous program registration every term until degree completion or until the maximum term of program registration unless a student is approved to take Leave of Absence due to illness, maternal/paternal or compassionate reasons.  Part-time study option is available in the master’s program only.  Refer to Graduate Student Guide "Financial Matters” for more information.

Program Fees

Graduate students may devote the time solely in research activities and not attending any classes in some of the terms.  They will pay program fees based on the status as full- or part-time, and not based on number of course enrollment. Graduate Program fees are published online in the Registrar’s web site.

A MASc Part-time student pays approximately 50% of the MASc full-time program fees in a term.  Two master’s part-time terms are equivalent to one master’s full-time term.  A MASc part-time student must enroll in the program for a minimum of ten terms to equate the minimum program fees paid by a full-time student.

Plan of Study: Students should discuss their course selection and research plan with their faculty supervisor.  The completed and signed Program of Study should be returned as a pdf file to before the end of every term until you complete the program.  More information on this process can be found here: Plan of Study.

Student Supervisor Checklist: A guide for discussing expectations between a graduate student and supervisor, this form is a valuable tool. For more information, please refer to the  (PDF file) form


Minimum Terms of Program Enrollment

Maximum Terms of Program Enrollment

Masters Full-time

5 terms (or 1 academic year plus 2 terms)

9 terms  (or 3 academic years)

Masters Part-time

10 terms (or 3 academic years plus 1 term)

15 terms (or 5 academic years)



The minimum residency requirement of the doctoral program is two years (or six consecutive terms).  Normal degree completion time is within three to four years (9-12 terms) for doctoral students.


18 terms  (or 6 academic years)