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Research Opportunities for Prospective Students

Supervisor Name

Research Interests

Specific Projects

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Skills/Education/Qualifications Required

Funding Opportunities Available

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Madeline Whetung Indigenous Geographies, Legal Geographies, Emotional Geographies, Embodied Practice, Place-based research, Autoethnographic methods, Anticolonial methods, Queer Care Practices, Anishinaabe Care Politics, Queer world-building, Queer and Indigenous climate change responses Queering Community Care for Collective Climate Responsive Future: Carers and their Dependents at the Centre of our Circle MASc or PhD Critical thinking, reading and writing skills; Event organization; Community-based work, Knowledge and practice on care, dependent responsibilities, Queer theory, interest in experimental research methods, and exploring alternative conceptions and responses to climate change Unknown at this time. email:
Elsayed Elbeshbishy Anaerobic Digestion of Biosolids Greenhouse Gas Emission from Wastewater Treatment Plant Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence 1. Biogas Production from Municipal Solid Wastes
2. Monitoring GHG Emissions from Wastewater Treatment Plant
MASc or PhD Strong Background in Wastewater Treatment and sludge management Yes - Stipend Funding Email:
Claire Oswald Watershed hydrology; water quality; urban water systems; wastewater surveillance Classification of urban land use features; hydrological processes in urban greenspaces; isotopic characterization of urban waters; inter-watershed comparisons of urban hydrological processes (all dependent on funding) MASc or PhD Undergraduate or Masters in physical geography, environmental science, or related discipline; experience with environmental fieldwork, GIS, coding (R or equivalent), and quantitative data analysis. Research Assistantship email:
Carina Rebello Pedagogy, STEM education, communication Retrieval practice, 21st century workforce skill development, teaching pedagogy MASc or PhD   Research Assistantship email:
Umberto Berardi Green Infrastructure Green Infrastructure (stipend funding may be available) MASc or PhD   Stipend Funding

Lesley Campbell

Sustainable Agriculture; Plant Response to Environment; Genotype by Environment Interactions

Development of net-zero agricultural methods; refining agricultural practices to result in less fertilizer, pesticide or energy used; plant communication; supply chain management and pricing of food (all dependent on funding)

PhD Undergraduate or Masters in Plant Biology, Agriculture, or related discipline; experience with horticulture, coding (R or equivalent), and quantitative data analysis. Stipend Funding email:
Nima Khakzad Fire safety at chemical and process plants; Risk-informed decision making and optimization; Impact assessment of natural disasters (flood, wildfire, etc.) on industrial facilities (i) Optimal fire protection and firefighting at process plants; (ii) Risk assessment of methane explosions at wastewater treatment plants MASc or PhD Familiarity with the following techniques is an asset but not required as can be acquired during the research: Quantitative techniques; Statistics and probability; Risk assessment and management Research Assistantship
Songnian Li Geospatial information systems, environmental modeling with GIS, public-participated GIS and spatial decision-making in environmental impact assessment, geospatially-integrated environmental management systems, 3D GIS for land-surface-subsurface modeling, urban solar energy modeling and mapping. digital twin for environment assessment; SDG assessment and monitoring using geospatial technologies MASc or PhD Geomatics engineering, GIS modeling Stipend Funding
Ehsan Behzadfar Sustainable polymers, sustainable materials design and processing Aerogels from renewable resources for medical cold chain packaging MASc or PhD

Strong knowledge of polymer chemistry and processes, knowledge of biogenic polymers, passionate about developing sustainable solutions for specialty packaging products Yes-Research Assistantship
Lu Wang Health and healthcare access among immigrants, ageing and health, neighbourhood and health Projects concerning immigrant health and healthcare, neighbourhood and health, spatial mobility. MASc or PhD Strong writing and communication skills. Statistical methods. GIS and spatial analysis, mixed-methods approach Yes-Research Assistantship


Rachel Dodds Sustainable tourism, destination management and marketing, climate change and tourism Various. Please contact faculty member for more information.  MASc or PhD

  Unknown at this time
Matthias Sweet Transportation policy, travel behavior, transportation planning, environmental assessment, transportation finance The Future of Transportation Finance in Ontario (FTF-Ontario) Partnership: Interpreting the new federal role considering transportation funding and GHG reduction goals MASc or PhD Transportation interests & demonstrated commitment/preserverance Yes - Research Assistantship
Chun-Yip Hon Occupational health and safety, exposure assessment, evaluation of interventions, n/a MASc or PhD

Interest in occupational health and safety No
Mustafa Koc Food security, sustainability, food policy Sustainable urban food systems, disaster planning, rural development MASc or PhD Academic background No
Julia Lu Analytical chemistry, environmental chemistry/science Study of reactivity, mobility, bioavailability and toxicity of chemicals in the environment (air, water, soil...) MASc BSc in Science with keen interest in the project Yes - Stipend Funding
Seth Dworkin Geothermal heating and cooling Modelling, optimization, AI applications with ground source heat pumps MASc or PhD Scientific and mathematical background Yes - Stipend Funding
Rachel Dodds sustainable tourism, climate change, sustainability reporting, business CSR Currently working on a study about tourism development over a 15 year period in Tofino as well as a study looking at indicator development for sustainability MASc or PhD

Could use someone who is good at writing and synthesizing information as need a literature review updated. They must be familiar with sustainability and be a good writer with good referencing skills and ability to cite properly. My need is immediate and I have about $1000 - 2000 to use up in the next couple of months Yes - Stipend Funding
Nima Khakzad System safety; fire safety Improving the safety of chemical plants via optimal fire protection MASc or PhD

Probabilistic techniques; Quantitative risk assessment Yes - Research Assistantship
Matthias Sweet transportation policy & planning The Future of Transportation Finance in Ontario Partnership Development Grant MASc or PhD interest in transportation, skills in either a) inferential statistics, spreadsheet analysis, hypothesis testing, or b) qualitative methods, interviews, thematic analysis, Yes - Research Assistantship
Vadim Bostan Limnology, phosphorus cycle Internal phosphate loadings MASc Bachelor of Science Unknown at this time
Janice Rudkowski Maker culture, makerspaces and the circular economy; sustainability practices in retail sector (e.g., fashion and other categories); frontline retail employees as brand influencers; retailers' roles as community builders Maker culture, makerspaces and their circular economy practices MASc or PhD

Understanding of makerspaces and circular economy best practices Yes - Research Assistantship


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